joeware - never stop exploring... :)

Information about joeware mixed with wild and crazy opinions...


by @ 5:18 pm on 5/11/2008. Filed under house stuff

Call me weird but I actually like Dandelions, never got why people were so “out to get them”. I think they are really pretty. Our neighborhood was just covered in them the last few weeks well except for the neighbor across the street, I think they spray something to kill them off. They actually looked weird as they were the only house in the area whose lawn was green instead of yellow… The pictures just don’t do it justice.

Some of the pics are after I mowed (didn’t want to but had to or else I wouldn’t have been able to get through the grass later) so the number of dandelions got knocked down a notch or two for a day.


CIMG0593  CIMG0588 CIMG0589 CIMG0596  CIMG0577CIMG0600 CIMG0608 CIMG0609 CIMG0610 CIMG0573 CIMG0592CIMG0574  CIMG0579

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