joeware - never stop exploring... :)

Information about joeware mixed with wild and crazy opinions...

Finally Done!

by @ 5:17 pm on 9/4/2008. Filed under general

I am finally done reviewing Active Directory 4th Edition and Active Directory Cookbook 3rd Edition. It is nice to get those off my plate so I can get some other stuff done – like cleaning the house.

One of the first things I will try to clean up is the ~4000 unread messages in my email inbox. If you have something in there and you have been waiting for me to respond, I do apologize. If not, well if you send something and I don’t respond for a bit, you know why. 😉

I have to say one good thing about reviewing the books is that I came up with a whole ton of new stuff to look into adding into admod and adfind and a whole bunch of eagerness to get to adding it. So hopefully I will be releasing a new version of the tools in the next couple of months. We shall see. I am going to be moving to the latest Borland/Code Gear compiler at the same time which usually means having to rework some stuff due to new standards, etc being employed. But it also usually means faster and smaller binaries which is always nice. We shall see, we shall see.

Rating 3.00 out of 5

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