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It’s a sad day… At least for me.

by @ 2:44 am on 11/26/2008. Filed under tech

I received my complementary copy of Active Directory Fourth Edition today and noted that it is now IN STOCK on


My version of the book is now officially dead. :o(


At some point possibly Brian will outline what is different about his edition of the book. It will most likely be posted to his blog which you can find here



Rating 3.00 out of 5

4 Responses to “It’s a sad day… At least for me.”

  1. Iain says:

    Any thoughts on writing more books?

  2. Kamlesh says:

    Well I just ordered it, I hope some of the royalty goes to you too.

  3. Mike Kline says:

    Just got my copy yesterday and I’m enjoying it a lot. I’m going to read this one cover to cover. (at least 20-30 pages a day). I’ll learn a lot and tons of stuff that I’ve forgotten will be hammered home again.

    Was Alistair Lowe-Norris involved in this book or is he still listed as an author because of the work he did in the first two editions?

    Five Star Review will be coming on Amazon 🙂

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