joeware - never stop exploring... :)

Information about joeware mixed with wild and crazy opinions...

Primary Updates to AdFind Completed…

by @ 10:50 am on 11/30/2008. Filed under tech

The primary updates I was looking to put into AdFind V01.39.00 are now done. Now I am adding/updating shortcuts. After that, I have to do the part I hate the most, update the usage… Ugh.

As I look at the usage I think, I really need to write a book that goes into depth on all of the switches and variations thereof and what you can do with it because I don’t even recall all of the cute pieces I put into it at this point. I visualized a book on AdFind/AdMod before. It was sort of an AD/LDAP primer with basic ideas explained and then sort of a cookbook / reference for AdFind/Admod. That is a lot of work though and would be something I would write and then use something like cafepress to publish to pay for the labor it would take as I couldn’t get other tool type stuff done while working on it.


Here is the rough listing of what was done so far from V01.37.00 (don’t mind the typos, people don’t usually get to see this…). I will discuss the changes more in depth later, maybe. 😉

//* V01.38.00  2007.0630      o 06/30   Add more longhorn decodes           *
//*                                     Changed -noctl to display chars     *
//*                                     -csv now sets -noctl                *
//*                                     Removed crash bug in -dn / -dsq     *
//*                                     Added -sc admincountdmp             *
//*                                     **NEVER RELEASED**                  *
//* V01.39.00  2008.1022      o 10/22   Add more longhorn decodes           *
//*                                     Change references to longhorn       *
//*                           o 10/23   added -rootdseanon                  *
//*                                     BugFix: Transformed filter display  *
//*                                     BugFix: Removed extra line with list*
//*                                     BugFix: Misc usage errors           *
//*                                     BugFix: Misc shortcut errors        *
//*                                     BugFix: replacedn with csv issue    *
//*                                     Added check for y for mvfilter x=y  *
//*                                     BugFix: removed trailing space from *
//*                                        generic binary output            *
//*                           o 10/27   Added -nirs and -nirsx              *
//*                                     Added useraccountcontrol decodes    *
//*                                     Added search flags decodes          *
//*                                     Decode schemaFlagsEx                *
//*                           o 10/29   More accurate SD Decode             *
//*                                     Arbitrary text for csv  header:value*
//*                           o 11/03   BugFix: CSVquote escape             *
//*                                     BugFix: CSVMVDelim escape           *
//*                                     Resolve msExchAdmins SID            *
//*                           o 11/04   -rawsddl no longer requires -sddl   *
//*                           o 11/06   Ranging disabled by attr if range   *
//*                                     Added -writeable                    *
//*                           o 11/07   Added -sslignoresrvcert             *
//*                           o 11/11   If no base specified, use default   *
//*                           o 11/13   Decode objecversion of schema       *
//*                           o 11/16   mvfilter will take attrib and clean *
//*                                      off ;extension for match           *
//*                           o 11/17   Decode dsheuristics                 *
//*                                     Cleanup metadata output             *
//*                                     Added -mvsort and -mvrsort          *
//*                                     Updated -sc sdump to have -mvsort   *
//*                           o 11/26   Added -filterbreakdown              *
//*                                     Allow multiple values for attr for  *
//*                                       mvfilter and mvnotfilter          *
//*                           o 11/27   Added -binenc CURRENT option        *
//*                           o 11/28   Added -enccurrent                   *
//*                                     Added -tdcd                         *
//*                                     Decode msPKIRoamingTimeStamp        *


Anyway, I am still on schedule for a December release of AdFind V01.39.00….

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