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Future History

by @ 3:17 am on 1/21/2009. Filed under general

Ok so how about we let the future decide on what is and isn’t history and how about we get to work on getting our collective asses out of the hole we put ourselves in. I would much rather put my time and focus and energy on that versus getting sprained elbows patting ourselves on the back talking about how we are making history. Failure to do so will have a future that records history as “…and then they all constantly celebrated about how they made history and quickly plunged the country into an even darker place because they spent all their time talking about how they made history instead of working on the problems they needed to solve for the future….”

Someone on ActiveDir Org list compared what happened with the presidency to Landing on the Moon. Fine, great. What does that do for us today? We haven’t been back to the moon in how many years? The 40th anniversary of the first manned moon landing is coming up on July 20… Six visits total. Last visit was Apollo 17  on December 14, 1972. That’s how long…

All the moon landings did was prove it *could be* done, they didn’t make it a daily reality. In fact, we still have a percentage of the population of the country who don’t even believe we went to the moon. So, all in all, how successful and historic and life changing was our landing on the moon? Really?

Rating 3.00 out of 5

One Response to “Future History”

  1. Mike Kline says:

    I agree with you but I do understand why so many people were emotional yesterday and more so for those that were around during the civil rights days.

    In that thread you said “we get our 44th US President sworn in. No more, no less”. I understand where you are coming from but I do think it was a little more because the first black President did mean a lot more to a lot of people.

    What I have a hard time with is how the individual can really do anything to actually help. Some will say serve your country. Still not sure what that does. I already served my country and again I was one of hundreds of thousands of soldiers and I’m not sure what I really did that was so great (just did my job).

    I’m also not saying that to discount anyone that has served or is serving or has made the ultimate sacrifice. I’m just saying sitting here in Virginia how can I contribute to this turn around. I’m talking about a meaningful contribution.

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