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TEC / DEC 2009

by @ 12:51 pm on 1/26/2009. Filed under general

The conference formerly known as The Directory Experts Conference (DEC) and now known as The Experts Conference (TEC) For Directory & Identity is now on my itinerary for March. I really didn’t think I was going to be able to pull it off this year and by some spit, luck, and a miracle I was able to do so. This will set me back a pretty penny since this isn’t a work related trip at all (You know how companies are cutting back) but I do want to touch base with everyone as this is my main chance to see the “joeware” fans and the global AD crowd once a year.

So if you are booked and going, make sure you look me up when you are there. If you aren’t booked to go… why not? Hands down this is the best general public event for Active Directory and this year, Brett Shirley and Dmitri Gavrilov are speaking and seriously, I can’t wait to sit in on their sessions to learn from them and I have no doubt I will. I believe Dean will be speaking as well in his new Microsoft PM role. I will certainly be there to heckle him and cheer him on to success in his new Evil Empire role….  What was it again… Emperor Palpa-Deano?


Rating 3.00 out of 5

5 Responses to “TEC / DEC 2009”

  1. I am really hoping to go 🙂

  2. eric says:

    Looking forward to see you there Joe.

  3. Laura says:

    Emperor Palpa-Dean it was, indeed. Someday I’ll be cool enough for you two to come up with a Star Wars nickname for me, maybe. 😉

  4. Fred says:

    Definitely looking forward to siphoning some of those AD brains, Joe. See you in Vegas!


  5. urbariecami says:

    Your web page does not correctly work in safari browser

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