joeware - never stop exploring... :)

Information about joeware mixed with wild and crazy opinions...

Archive for June 10th, 2009

Something else I learned about Bind DNs…

by @ Wednesday, June 10th, 2009. Filed under tech

You may have read my other post on using the SID/GUID alternate formats for DNs for queries and my post last year on using alternate DN formats for binding and searching as well… Here is something else I recently learned that I thought was interesting. There are actually more alternate DN formats… All of these […]

DN Formats in Active Directory (Queries)

by @ Wednesday, June 10th, 2009. Filed under tech

About a year ago I wrote a popular blog post about DN formats available in Active Directory. The article is here –> Great article if I can believe the feedback because it helps people set up their environment and apps in a more generic way that avoids some of the pitfalls of hardcoding DNs […]

Clearing a set of specific Domain SIDs from sIDHistory

by @ Wednesday, June 10th, 2009. Filed under tech

I received an email a couple of months ago from someone looking to remove SIDs from a specific domain from the sIDHistory attribute of all of their users. Here is the response I sent   So the ability to remove SID’s from sIDHistory is very simple and basic, you basically have to supply the specific […]

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