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Microsoft Releases HyperV Linux Source Code Under GPLV2

by @ 8:53 am on 9/9/2009. Filed under tech

Who would have thunk it???

“Today, in a break from the ordinary, Microsoft released 20,000 lines of device driver code to the Linux community. The code, which includes three Linux device drivers, has been submitted to the Linux kernel community for inclusion in the Linux tree. The drivers will be available to the Linux community and customers alike, and will enhance the performance of the Linux operating system when virtualized on Windows Server 2008 Hyper-V or Windows Server 2008 R2 Hyper-V.”

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3 Responses to “Microsoft Releases HyperV Linux Source Code Under GPLV2”

  1. Fred says:

    I woulda thunk it.
    It’s not that surprising: MS understands the value of cooperation and of course, marketing opportunity for things like this.

  2. joe says:

    I was surprised by the GPLV2 part… MSFT releases lots of source code for review, not all of it public, but never would have expected something in GPL.

  3. Natxo Asenjo says:

    Why? I mean, it has to be GPLv2 if it wants to get into the linux kernel …

    Now they just have to maintain them as good kernel contributors 😉

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