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AdFind/AdMod Beta update

by @ 6:00 am on 1/12/2010. Filed under tech

I incorrectly linked AdMod when I posted it ( previously. So if you ran it you probably saw an error about a missing DLL unless you had already installed the Borland/Codegear DLLs for some other app. I have recompiled and relinked with static linkages so everyone should be fine now. Let me know if there are any other issues.


My sincere apologies for the inconvenience! 🙂



Rating 3.00 out of 5

2 Responses to “AdFind/AdMod Beta update”

  1. Djimi says:

    Thanks very much Joe. I’m going to try it out tomorrow.

  2. Marc says:

    Much better now 🙂

    Thank you Joe !


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