joeware - never stop exploring... :)

Information about joeware mixed with wild and crazy opinions...


by @ 8:52 pm on 2/11/2010. Filed under quotes

People like to think they know more than they do, especially the ones that know the least.

   – me

Rating 3.00 out of 5

2 Responses to “Knowing…”

  1. Bwandon says:

    This is such much better if you actually gave the context of that quote 😉

  2. Don says:

    I think a prime example of this is when you are doing AD interviews (or other technical interviews for that matter) and you ask them to estimate their level of AD knowledge on a scale of 1 to 10, 10 being the highest. Most interviews I have been a part of, the person will say somewhere between a 6 – 8.

    I chuckle inside when they say this, because I know some people that are probably in the 6 – 8 range* for their AD knowledge level and there is almost no way this person you are interviewing has that amount of knowledge. Then you start asking AD basics about the Operation Masters and partitions and they start to get a worried look on their face , because the know they have been caught.

    I think one of the best interviews I was in, the person rated themselves a 6 on AD knowledge, then proceeded to tell us about a feature that was rolled on in Windows 2002! 🙂

    *I am not saying I am a 6 – 8, probably a 2 or 3. I know I need to take a much deeper dive on things like access rights, the schema and config partitions, LDAP programming, etc.

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