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Fructose is bad

by @ 8:00 pm on 3/3/2010. Filed under general

Interesting lecture

Rating 3.00 out of 5

3 Responses to “Fructose is bad”

  1. Mike Kline says:

    Great find joe. A few years ago there was a short low carb craze and at that point I thought people would see the light and realize that the low fat diet craze isn’t working.

    I only started low carb about 18 months ago but it has been life changing.

    The only thing I wish he would have covered is diet drinks, specifically diet drinks sweetened with splenda. (pepsi one and diet rite are two examples). I’ve added 3-4 cans a week with no issues. The key for me is that I only drink non water drinks with splenda and not aspartame.

    Jimmy Moore is a guy on youtube and in the low carb community that has a lot of great info too.

  2. joe says:

    Hey Mike.

    I have pretty much cut out all soda. I still drink it occasionally like when I have a massive headache (coca cola), when out with my g/f and she is drinking, and occasionally I just need a hit of Fago Red Pop for the taste. Just a small cup say about 3 shot glasses worth is enough.

    I have not considered any diet soda as I am very nervous of the fake sugars. I think most of them muck with your seratonin function which impacts mood. I have had several friends that I could actually tell when they had a diet soda that day or not based on how they walked around and acted.

    Primarily I drink ice water. In a given work day I will probably drink 7-10 glasses. That used to be 5-6 cokes a day with a couple of bags of M&M’s thrown in for good measure.

  3. Mike Kline says:

    That is great that you cut out all soda, man that is outstanding! That will be my last hurdle. I agree with you that I’m not sure what the fake sugars will do. So far the splenda drinks have been ok but eventually I want to do what you are doing and cut out almost all drinks except for water.

    I contacted Jimmy Moore about this video. He responded with:

    “Yes, I’m aware of Dr. Lustig’s video – but he refused to come on my show because he says he doesn’t believe in low-carb. Bummer.”

    I wonder why the doctor would say that. I’m guessing maybe because Jimmy is associated with the Atkins diet so the doctor may not believe in Atkins but I can’t imagine he doesn’t believe in low carb/low sugars.



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