joeware - never stop exploring... :)

Information about joeware mixed with wild and crazy opinions...

My deepest sincerest apologies…

by @ 2:45 am on 9/16/2010. Filed under tech

It seems that my ISP made some sort of change somewhere and the downloads on my website broke for most of yesterday (September 15). I wanted to apologize to everyone for any inconvenience and say it should all be up and working fine now. 🙂


The story for anyone who cares…

Just before going to bed I wanted to check the relative volume of my personal email (right around 1200 unread messages without counting any of the email lists like, etc) and saw a flood of “Hey you suck, I can’t download your free tools you wanker!”. I tried to download some stuff and sure enough, was getting a blank white page. Looking at the source it wasn’t anything that it should have been.

I then looked at the script controlling downloads and it wasn’t hacked or anything, hasn’t been touched since 2007. I played around for a little bit, cleaned up some data files tracking download stats that had gotten corrupted, that didn’t fix it. Then I changed the redirection aspect of the script for making your browser go to the zip files and that did it. Not sure what was happening on the ISP’s web servers but if I just used “Location: new url\n\n” it wouldn’t send that to the browser, it would send a page that would display a white screen, adding “Status: 302 Moved\n” to it made it work. Probably I should have had that there before, I don’t really know, at this point at 2:40AM I don’t really care. ;o)

I did want to say sorry though to anyone that may have tried to download the tools and failed. I know if I got 30 emails, I probably had 300 more that tried and just gave up figuring it would get fixed and they could come back later.



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