joeware - never stop exploring... :)

Information about joeware mixed with wild and crazy opinions...

RIP dmr…

by @ 5:41 pm on 10/13/2011. Filed under general

Wow, another pioneer of the computer world is gone. Dennis Ritchie who also has had massive impact on people everywhere because of the c language he invented and the UNIX operating system which he was the co-developer for. He wasn’t out there in everyone’s face trying to change the world, his contributions were quiet and in the back, deep core infrastructure that makes it possible for others to properly change the world.

All joeware tools were written in c++ which is a derivative of c. So if you use a joeware utility or pretty much anything on a computer anywhere, you owe a debt to Dennis.

Goodbye Dennis and good luck on your next project. 🙂


p.s. Thanks to all of the people who emailed me and let me know about this. I have, unfortunately, been dealing with some medical issues with my dad the last few days and I haven’t really been paying much attention to the rest of the world. Thankfully the Dr’s and nurses were able to sort it out and he appears to be doing much better now.

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