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Two-Factor Authentication for AD as a best-practice or standard?

by @ 6:09 pm on 12/12/2011. Filed under tech

Is anyone out there using 2FA for AD as a best practice or their standard? I am not asking about things like VPN, I am simply meaning basic AD auth once you are already on the internal network.


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2 Responses to “Two-Factor Authentication for AD as a best-practice or standard?”

  1. joe says:

    Apparently no one is using two-factor auth at least not some overwhelming number of people which is pretty much what I figured. 🙂

  2. imac8 says:

    Yes, we use enforced smart card authentication for desktop access. Windows 2003 Forest / 7000 users. Issues were never technological, they were making the business understand and adopt the business processes around card issuance/management.

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