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AdFind One-Liner – Getting multi-value attributes you have write access to on your own account

by @ 6:14 pm on 1/20/2012. Filed under tech

So today I needed to test a script and as part of the test I needed to update a multi-value attribute on my own ID without admin rights. I wasn’t sure off the top of my head which attributes I could modify were multi-value so just told Active Directory to tell me…

for /f %i in (‘adfind -default -f "name=joe is freezing" allowedattributeseffective -list’) do @adfind -sc s:%i -af issinglevalued=FALSE -nodn attr:%i issinglevalued -csv –nocsvheader


That gave output like



In this case, the FALSE is a reference to the value of isSingleValued and of course a multivalued attribute would have a FALSE value for that property for the attribute in the schema.


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