joeware - never stop exploring... :)

Information about joeware mixed with wild and crazy opinions...

From the mailbag… Please help me bypass my corporate security teams…

by @ 7:14 pm on 3/12/2012. Filed under general

I seem to regularly get emails from people who for some reason or another cannot download the utilities because some firewall is blocking  the download. They want me to set up a special download somewhere else, use dropbox or some other cloud storage, or send the tools via email.

My answer (so I don’t have to keep sending it to people) is

No, I will not help you bypass security systems between you and my web site. I have to believe there is some reason the block is in place and I am not in position to make the decision to help you skirt the security. Please go to your firewall admin and work it out with that person or persons.


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