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Hey about that new version of AdMod… Not to jiggle your elbow but…

by @ 4:07 pm on 5/25/2018. Filed under tech






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So back a while back ( I pulled AdMod into the garage…It is still there. I am working on it when I can. It is slow going, much slower going than AdFind goes because the code is much more involved and a lot less forgiving of mistakes. If I screw up you may screw something in your directory up and while that would be entirely your fault, I would still not be happy about it. So it necessarily goes a little slower. On top of that work has been very busy and involved and life in general has been also.

Work has been a lot of “hey we needed this two months ago!” combined with scraping the floors and trying to sort out exactly how many subfloors have been stacked on top of each other… or if you prefer a roofing analogy how many times they have shingled over the roof versus a desperately needed complete tear off. The answer so far is a lot. A bunch of sorta so so implemented standards etc. It is tough to blame people though because the environment is so large (way too large in many ways and I *can* blame people for those decisions that caused that) and the security tools in place that make working painful and terribly inefficient (do not EVER use Symantec DCS on domain controllers please) and the priorities are so fluid and shifting often on a daily basis it is tough to stick to something and see it through. I mean you still have to do it as that is your job as a professional despite what management thinks the priorities are, it is just tougher than in smaller more static environments. So many weird / interesting issues that have been encountered that I need to find time to write up and post. Everything from “Are you f’ing kidding me POS hardware manufacturer?” to “Are you f’ing kidding me Microsoft?” to “Are you f’ing kidding me Apple?” to all sorts of stuff. So much that most of it is just a blur. That is part of the reason for fluid and shifting priorities and we need this changed immediately.

And ironically, diametrically opposed in fact, to fluid and shifting priorities and we need this changed immediately there is a lot of dependence on things being static and not changing… You all know that as secret code as people *&^$(*&$#$ hardcoding applications and application configurations. And by the way… Load Balancers and VIPS in front of Domain Controllers is STILL an unsupported and truly bad idea and if you say “well at least we aren’t hard coding the applications” you really still are, you just have an extra layer of obfuscation there…. You are hardcoding one app that is hardcoded to domain controllers. Stop. Smack your developers and tell them do it right, it is time. It is actually well past the time. More, A TON MORE, on that later as another thing I have been working on is a blog post about stupid and/or lazy devs not properly finding domain controllers. At last peek it was > 6000 words or roughly 12 8.5×11 pages printed and needed to be chopped up into a blog series versus a single post. I thought for a second of selling it to some eZine or tech site or magazine or something because it is good stuff but it really needs to be read so I want it to be very freely available and reblogged and pointed at by every admin in the world to their devs and vendors. I like money, strike that – really like money, but I would rather give this for free if it somehow helps the industry get better. Don’t ever say I didn’t sacrifice myself for all y’all. Open-mouthed smile

Anyway back to AdMod… it is still being worked on and has a ton of new functionality in it, especially around Security Descriptors. I do a massive amount of testing every time I make a change so that if I do break something I don’t have to roll back a bunch of complicated code to find what specifically caused it. 

Oh and also at the same time I have submitted something like 40 BUGBUGs and an additional 40 or so DCRs to myself for the next version of AdFind.

So please hold tight, just like Christmas, but hopefully sooner, AdMod is coming…


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