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OpenLiveWriter and HTTP 409 Conflict Errors

by @ 10:49 pm on 4/11/2021. Filed under general

My blogging ability has been hampered for a while because OpenLiveWriter wasn’t working for me and throwing 409 Conflict errors when trying to talk to my blog. My last couple of posts were done through the web interface and anyone who knows me knows I don’t much like web interfaces, including the WordPress editor interface.

I figured something changed in WordPress in an update as I have it set up with auto-updates so spent a good amount of time digging through that and no joy. I started googling and quite a few complaints out there about XML-RPC and error 409 but no answers.

I dug into the raw web logs and noticed there was no record of the hits even if I just asked for the file itself with no POST (which actually would return the standard error) so I thought that perhaps my provider was mucking with access to the file under the covers so I copied the file to another filename in the same folder and specified that new name for the xmlrpc.php file in OpenLiveWriter and BOOM, it immediately worked.


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