joeware - never stop exploring... :)

Information about joeware mixed with wild and crazy opinions...

Archive for posts by joe.


by @ Sunday, July 4th, 2021. Filed under general

Rating 4.75 out of 5

Dear Microsoft….

by @ Monday, May 31st, 2021. Filed under tech

F.U.2. Rating 4.78 out of 5

AdFind Enemy #1 for AV Tools

by @ Monday, May 31st, 2021. Filed under tech

Ok not really enemy #1, but they are getting stupid about it. Once again the AV Tool companies have their panties in a bunch over a joeware tool. Now it is AdFind. The digests on the website are accurate, I also uploaded it to virustotal before anyone but me had touched it so their digests […]

New Versions of AdFind and AdMod Posted

by @ Wednesday, April 28th, 2021. Filed under tech, updates

I have released new versions of AdFind and AdMod. Yeah I know I just said that I had released the last versions of both. I know. Trust me I know. I had packed the code away. Then I had a single week where I was alerted to one absolutely horrible bug in AD ( which […]

Do NOT Use msds-memberTransitive and msds-memberOfTransitive

by @ Monday, April 19th, 2021. Filed under general, tech

Ok, let me pull that title back a teeny tiny bit… Do NOT Use msds-memberTransitive and msds-memberOfTransitive UNLESS you are absolutely positive that the number of values returned is guaranteed to be less than 4501 values. What are you talking about joe and why are you railing about an attribute that has been around since […]

AdFind / AdMod *Back* in the Garage.

by @ Tuesday, April 13th, 2021. Filed under general

I know I said I was putting them away, and I did. I locked down the code and started looking into other things. However, three separate bugs in Windows, well two bugs in the OS and one in a Windows tool (my opinion on the bugs, not an admission from MSFT) that I couldn’t stand […]

OpenLiveWriter and HTTP 409 Conflict Errors

by @ Sunday, April 11th, 2021. Filed under general

My blogging ability has been hampered for a while because OpenLiveWriter wasn’t working for me and throwing 409 Conflict errors when trying to talk to my blog. My last couple of posts were done through the web interface and anyone who knows me knows I don’t much like web interfaces, including the WordPress editor interface. […]

New Versions of AdFind and… GASP…. AdMod Released

by @ Wednesday, March 17th, 2021. Filed under tech, updates

I have released AdFind V01.55.00 and AdMod V01.22.00. 🙂   AdFind There are quite a few fixes and additions since the pre-Pandemic release. You can find a breakdown at AdMod Surprise, it only took nine years to have a version of this I was comfortable enough to publicly release. Unlike AdFind, AdMod is exceptionally […]

AdFind and AdMod Production Releases

by @ Wednesday, January 27th, 2021. Filed under tech, updates

Hi, I just wanted to touch base on the upcoming releases. I thought I would be releasing new production versions of AdFind and AdMod at the beginning of the month. Obviously that did not happen. I ran into a few bugs I needed to deal with and most recently ran into something I really wanted […]

ESAE (aka Red Forest) is finally dead. About time.

by @ Sunday, December 20th, 2020. Filed under tech ”We have found that ESAE projects are often detrimental to overall security posture as they are high cost, difficult to use and support, and provide a limited set of security (only Active Directory administrators and only preventive controls).” What took so long to figure that out? Oh, they knew, they just didn’t have something […]

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