joeware - never stop exploring... :)

Information about joeware mixed with wild and crazy opinions...

Archive for the 'general' Category

Once Again, Joeware Doesn’t Have Viruses if Downloaded From the site.

by @ Wednesday, February 22nd, 2023. Filed under general

I am getting masses of emails about people having issues downloading from the site. Primarily AdFind is the one people are having issues with but Chrome has been blocking ALL downloads from the site. I have been trying to work with Google to get Chrome sorted out but they seem to be really confused over […]

So now Chrome/Brave is being stupid…

by @ Friday, January 27th, 2023. Filed under general

So I was alerted that Chrome is blocking downloads of AdFind but then also heard it is other tools as well. I am digging into it to see what can be done, I registered the site with google and told it to give me a security report and it showed me: I responded with Note […]

TLS 1.3 for LDAPS on Windows Server 2022

by @ Saturday, July 9th, 2022. Filed under general

You may recall I previously ranted on twitter ( that MSFT added TLS 1.3 for HTTPS for Windows Server 2022 but neglected to add it for AD. Well someone listened. You are welcome.   [Sat 07/09/2022 20:54:17.43] C:\temp>adfind -h k22-ese.k22-ese-dom.test.loc -sslinfo AdFind V01.59.00cppBETA Joe Richards ( June 2022 dn:CN=Certificate Info,CN=k22-ese.k22-ese-dom.test.loc > ciEncodingType: X509_ASN_ENCODING (0x01) > […]

New Releases of AdFind/AdMod Available For Download

by @ Sunday, November 21st, 2021. Filed under general

I have uploaded the new versions of AdFind and AdMod to for download. Note that I know that a lot of anti-malware has been reporting AdFind.exe as malware now, usually some form of LOLBIN or PUA. The reason for this is because the hacker collectives are using the tool for scanning Active Directory environments […]

Binary Format Security Descriptor Export/Import

by @ Saturday, October 23rd, 2021. Filed under general

I was about to add some code to AdFind to export Security Descriptors in binary export/import format and found out I already had written that code. I apparently used a bad switch name for it though because I didn’t intuitively know what it was and find it by accident. That or my brain was in […]


by @ Sunday, July 4th, 2021. Filed under general

Rating 4.75 out of 5

Do NOT Use msds-memberTransitive and msds-memberOfTransitive

by @ Monday, April 19th, 2021. Filed under general, tech

Ok, let me pull that title back a teeny tiny bit… Do NOT Use msds-memberTransitive and msds-memberOfTransitive UNLESS you are absolutely positive that the number of values returned is guaranteed to be less than 4501 values. What are you talking about joe and why are you railing about an attribute that has been around since […]

AdFind / AdMod *Back* in the Garage.

by @ Tuesday, April 13th, 2021. Filed under general

I know I said I was putting them away, and I did. I locked down the code and started looking into other things. However, three separate bugs in Windows, well two bugs in the OS and one in a Windows tool (my opinion on the bugs, not an admission from MSFT) that I couldn’t stand […]

OpenLiveWriter and HTTP 409 Conflict Errors

by @ Sunday, April 11th, 2021. Filed under general

My blogging ability has been hampered for a while because OpenLiveWriter wasn’t working for me and throwing 409 Conflict errors when trying to talk to my blog. My last couple of posts were done through the web interface and anyone who knows me knows I don’t much like web interfaces, including the WordPress editor interface. […]

Looking for the proper Holiday Ornament for this very tricky year?

by @ Sunday, November 22nd, 2020. Filed under general

Look no further, check out the custom ornament my niece put together just for 2020. ENJOY!    joe Rating 4.00 out of 5

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