joeware - never stop exploring... :)

Information about joeware mixed with wild and crazy opinions...

Archive for the 'general' Category

9 out of 10 hackers prefer AdFind for AD Recon…

by @ Saturday, October 10th, 2020. Filed under general This isn’t the first I have read about AdFind being used by bad actors, it won’t be the last. I first started hearing about AdFind being used in exploits and recon work roughly 2.5 or so years ago when IR teams and Security Researchers started emailing me about it and asking for hashes of […]

Windows Server 2003 Support for AdFind??

by @ Sunday, February 9th, 2020. Filed under general, tech

Out of curiosity how many people need to run my tools on pre-Windows Server 2008 machines? I.E. Windows 2000, XP, 2003, etc? I was just alerted this last week by a random Russian user that AdFind doesn’t run ON Windows Server 2003 X64. I did some testing and that is correct, in fact it won’t […]


by @ Saturday, January 4th, 2020. Filed under general

Looks like wordpress updated something… Everything has gone cuckoo! Edit: For some reason the color schemes and some of the displayed stuff is different for a logged in user versus a guest. Trying to sort it out. 🙂 Edit2: This should be all sorted out now, if things look weird, comment here. Rating 4.33 out […]


by @ Thursday, August 15th, 2019. Filed under general, quotes, tech

After, more than <cough>two decades<cough> in a professional role of some sort of ops, engineer, architect, dev ops person in IT or Information Security in very large multinational Fortune 1-50 sized companies I have grown to dislike complexity in a way that some people without my experience may think is unnatural if not completely unhealthy. […]

Immortalizing AJ Plichta :)

by @ Tuesday, June 4th, 2019. Filed under general

I have a friend at work named AJ, AJ Plichta, if you must know. Yes, THAT AJ. AJ likes to type AdFind commands without specifying –f before the filter. Now for most, this isn’t a huge deal, but when you consider our main work forest has around 2.5 million users this can be a rather […]

Functional Anonymous DC Locator Platform Agnostic perl script… Getting close…

by @ Saturday, March 16th, 2019. Filed under general, perl

[Sat 03/16/2019 16:41:06.51] E:\DEV\perl\jwDCLocator>perl /domain:k16tst.test.loc jwDCLocator V01.01.00pl  Joe Richards (  March 2018 Initializing Logging to logfile 20190316-1641-jwDCLocator.log… Reading configuration file jwDCLocator.config… Processing configuration file… Determining bootstrap domain controllers via DNS for k16tst.test.loc…   BootStrap Hosts: k16tst-dc2.k16tst.test.loc k16tst-dc1.k16tst.test.loc k16tst-scdc1.k16tst.test.loc Dynamically determining site…   Sending LDAP Ping to LDAP://k16tst-dc2.k16tst.test.loc:389…   AutoDetected Server Site             : Site2   […]

Broken Downloads

by @ Tuesday, January 29th, 2019. Filed under general

Apologies, the tool downloads were broken for a little bit there. It is fixed now.       joe Rating 4.33 out of 5

Horrible Multilevel Bullets / Numbering…

by @ Friday, December 7th, 2018. Filed under general

…Yeah I know, I hate it too…    joe Rating 4.60 out of 5

Yes yes I know I know…

by @ Sunday, November 25th, 2018. Filed under general

A while back I said, hey got a new job, will be spending more time posting stuff and learning news things and sharing that new learning. It started going in that direction but then my time started getting eaten up more and more with work and issues with people, issues with tech, issues with direction, […]

If you are looking for any custom artwork for the holidays or otherwise…

by @ Thursday, November 8th, 2018. Filed under general

The pictures do not do this justice. In person it looks 3D and made me gasp when I took it out of the box. My sister the official artist as in she makes art day in and day out painted it. She is amazing and can turn any picture or multiple pictures into just about […]

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