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Windows Server 2003 Support for AdFind??

by @ 12:18 pm on 2/9/2020. Filed under general, tech

Out of curiosity how many people need to run my tools on pre-Windows Server 2008 machines? I.E. Windows 2000, XP, 2003, etc?

I was just alerted this last week by a random Russian user that AdFind doesn’t run ON Windows Server 2003 X64. I did some testing and that is correct, in fact it won’t run ON anything pre-Windows Server 2008 since I started using the Visual Studio compilers so for the last couple of releases. The stuff built with C++ Builder works fine on pre-2008 machines.

Now that doesn’t mean you can’t run AdFind AGAINST Windows Server 2003 or Windows Server 2000, that works just fine from every test I have performed.

So the question in the water is…. How many people need to run AdFind ON a pre-Windows Server 2008 OS? Windows 2000, Windows Server 2003, XP, etc?

That will drive how much work I actually do to try and sort out why Visual Studio isn’t building a binary that is recognized as a Win32 App on pre-Windows Server 2008 machines.


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2 Responses to “Windows Server 2003 Support for AdFind??”

  1. Marc says:

    Hi Joe,

    Running against a Server 2003 DC yes from time to time but from a Server 2003 no never, not for me.


  2. Ted O. says:

    Hi Joe,
    Never. Don’t even have Server 2003 in any of my environments anymore.
    Thank you,

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