joeware - never stop exploring... :)

Information about joeware mixed with wild and crazy opinions...

Archive for the 'tech' Category

From the mailbag, issue with -binenc.

by @ Thursday, October 22nd, 2009. Filed under tech

As you have have noticed, today is catchup day in joe’s personal life. I am trying to get various things done that I haven’t been able to previously. While going through the mailbag I ran into the following email… Subject: -binenc question I am trying to use the following to return the samAccountName from a […]

Blog SPAM has gone down??? huh?

by @ Thursday, October 22nd, 2009. Filed under tech

After updating my blog software I thought I would go through and look over some of the settings, etc to see if there was anything new to turn on to tighten up security, etc etc ad nauseum whatever… I went to the Akismet SPAM stats and was pleasantly shocked to note that SPAM substantially dropped […]

Another antivirus program not liking some joeware…

by @ Thursday, October 22nd, 2009. Filed under tech

Just got an email that Symantec is now reporting ChangePW as being infected with a virus. Sure enough, went to Jotti and did the online testing and found that several scanners are reporting changepw has a virus. Like all the other times this occurred, if you got the file directly from my website, this is […]

How do you tell AdFind that you only want just the xyz attribute returned?

by @ Wednesday, October 21st, 2009. Filed under tech

It surprises me but this is still a pretty popular question I get in email. I realize that the usage help for adfind and admod are substantial, but the info on this is in the basic help… Anyway, I got another email on this and decided I would blog it.     The basic format […]

Exchange Automatic conversion of non-security enabled groups into security enabled groups

by @ Monday, October 12th, 2009. Filed under tech

Some people still don’t know this even after all of these years… But Exchange can change your non-security enabled groups (sometimes mistakenly called DL’s[1]) into security enabled groups. This is done automagically anytime someone applies a “DL” to security in Exchange, such as on a folder in a mailbox or on public folder or something. […]

Offline NT Password Editor Still Works for Windows 7

by @ Monday, October 12th, 2009. Filed under tech

Thank goodness!  🙂 My freshly loaded PC, previously SFMXP32, now SFMWIN764[1] has been running great. However I have been a bit lax in fully setting it up because I haven’t activated the license yet and think, who knows, maybe I will reload it again for some odd reason… Well that means I haven’t joined it […]

Offline AV check tool

by @ Wednesday, October 7th, 2009. Filed under tech

Saw this in a security list and thought it was worth posting. It is a CD/DVD you can burn to test a machine while the main OS isn’t running so any real bad virus type critters on the machine can’t block the check. Best part is that it is free. It is Linux based but […]

Outlook 2010 and Coloring Messages from specific senders

by @ Wednesday, October 7th, 2009. Filed under tech

I recently updated my main PC to Windows 7 Ultimate RTM and Office 2010 Preview. As you can expect, when you come from Windows XP SP2 and Office 2003, there are going to be some changes, some good, some maybe that don’t seem so good. Overall my thoughts (on both Windows 7 and Outlook) is […]

Installing WireShark on Windows 7 x64

by @ Wednesday, October 7th, 2009. Filed under tech

Due to an issue with the WinPcap install, WireShark doesn’t seem to work on Windows 7 after you install it. Here are the steps I followed to get it to work. 1. Download WinPcap 4.1 Beta5 from 2. Manually install WinPcap. Next through Dialogs… Update 2009/10/12: If the above still doesn’t allow the install […]

Finding DCs reported in event id 1864 and a little bit of explanation around AdFind switches to get the info

by @ Sunday, October 4th, 2009. Filed under tech

I responded to an ActiveDir Org post that was talking about finding the DCs that are not doing well when you see an Event ID 1864 like so Event Type:    Error Event Source:    NTDS Replication Event Category:    Replication Event ID:    1864 Date:        10/2/2009 Time:        12:32:57 AM User:        NT AUTHORITY\ANONYMOUS LOGON Computer:    DC1 Description: This is […]

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