joeware - never stop exploring... :)

Information about joeware mixed with wild and crazy opinions...

Archive for the 'tech' Category

Functional Anonymous DC Locator Platform Agnostic perl script… Getting close…

by @ Saturday, March 16th, 2019. Filed under general, perl

[Sat 03/16/2019 16:41:06.51] E:\DEV\perl\jwDCLocator>perl /domain:k16tst.test.loc jwDCLocator V01.01.00pl  Joe Richards (  March 2018 Initializing Logging to logfile 20190316-1641-jwDCLocator.log… Reading configuration file jwDCLocator.config… Processing configuration file… Determining bootstrap domain controllers via DNS for k16tst.test.loc…   BootStrap Hosts: k16tst-dc2.k16tst.test.loc k16tst-dc1.k16tst.test.loc k16tst-scdc1.k16tst.test.loc Dynamically determining site…   Sending LDAP Ping to LDAP://k16tst-dc2.k16tst.test.loc:389…   AutoDetected Server Site             : Site2   […]

Finding Domain Controllers On Any Platform Using DNS and LDAP – Alternate Working Title: Generic Platform Agnostic DC Locator

by @ Thursday, December 13th, 2018. Filed under tech

1. Determine if your application has been configured to use a specific named Domain Controller, if so use it.     a. For debugging purposes only     b. Application specific (where do you keep your configuration info?) 2. Determine if your application has been configured to use a specific named Site at startup, if so do […]

Finding Domain Controllers on Windows using Windows API (DsGetDC.h) Calls the Long Way

by @ Friday, December 7th, 2018. Filed under tech

1. Determine if your application has been configured to use a specific named Domain Controller, use it.     a. For debugging purposes only     b. Application specific (where do you keep your configuration info?) 2. Determine if your application has been configured to use a specific named Site at startup, do not Autodiscover site.     […]

Finding Domain Controllers on Windows using the Windows LDAP (winldap.h) Library (i.e. The Easy Way)

by @ Thursday, December 6th, 2018. Filed under tech

0. This does not follow the previously mentioned high level steps, this method is “I hand my problem over to Microsoft to figure out on my behalf”. 1. Call ldap_sslinit specifying domain name or forest name (for Global Catalog)     a. LDAP port         i. LDAP* pLdap=ldap_sslinit(L"", LDAP_PORT, false);     b. LDAPS (SSL) port         […]

Generic High-Level Steps for DC Locator Functionality

by @ Monday, December 3rd, 2018. Filed under tech

0. If you are on Windows use the Windows LDAP Library and let it handle all of this for you. 1. Determine if your application has been configured to use a specific named Domain Controller, use it.     a. For debugging purposes only 2. Determine if your application has been configured (hardcoded) to use a […]

DNS SRV Records

by @ Sunday, December 2nd, 2018. Filed under tech

Active Directory location capability is all based on open standards based DNS SRV records which are designed to offer location capability for ANY services. The DNS SRV record RFC is RFC2782 which you can find at There are two main components of the SRV process for domain controllers; registration and lookup. First the domain […]

Logging in Applications (Particularly LDAP Applications…)

by @ Monday, November 26th, 2018. Filed under tech

While working on some posts about writing code for leveraging Active Directory I realized that a very weak point I have run into with many (perhaps most) apps is the logging, particularly for use in troubleshooting and/or debugging of issues. I don’t care how good of a coder you are (or think you are), your […]

Coming Attractions: How to Find Domain Controllers for Fun and Profit (and your various LDAP operations…)

by @ Sunday, November 25th, 2018. Filed under tech

I previously wrote that many applications that are using Active Directory aren’t meeting even the lowest bar for proper Active Directory integration. That lowest bar being the ability to properly find an Active Directory domain controller to use for LDAP operations. This is something that regularly plagues me and it is ridiculous that it is […]

Multi-Multi Forward/Backward Linked DN with Text (or Binary) Attribute Pair

by @ Sunday, July 8th, 2018. Filed under tech

I spent some time this weekend relearning something I learned 15 or so years ago… How to make (DN with String) attribute schema changes that actually work. It’s simple but there is also a trick to it that you need to be aware of. Let’s go back a bit… I was recently asked about […]

Everything from AdFind/AdMod is encrypted in network traces…

by @ Saturday, July 7th, 2018. Filed under tech

I posted about this about a decade ago but going through email this morning I found at least 8 or 9 questions from people in some way shape or form related to it so I figured I would re-post and maybe it will show up search engines more or perhaps people will realize it still […]

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