joeware - never stop exploring... :)

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Archive for the 'tech' Category


by @ Sunday, August 27th, 2006. Filed under tech

I have to say this tool is pretty cool and it certainly makes blogging easier. I am loving it, great job Microsoft. 🙂 Things that could use work, not in any particular order. 🙂 Use F7 instead of shift-F7 to spell check. On a seemingly regular basis the display will jump around. I would like Font […]

So how cool is AdMod?

by @ Friday, August 25th, 2006. Filed under tech

I was working away updating the usage and examples for AdMod this evening and ran a couple of test commands to figure out which ones I want to document. I like to play against ADAM as it is all local and just because I like playing with ADAM. Anyway, I fired one of my saved ADAM instances up […]

HOW DO I: Transfer the PDC master role with AdMod… [REVISITED]

by @ Thursday, August 24th, 2006. Filed under tech

Ok… so let me claim being too busy to properly write the previous blog entry about transfering the PDC master role… I totally forgot that I made it a trifle easier to use AdMod than what I documented… This is my utility flexibility coming back to bite me… But then, maybe I bit me, no one […]

Warning: Upcoming LDAPS change in WLDAP32.DLL in Windows Server 2003 SP2…

by @ Thursday, August 24th, 2006. Filed under tech

There is an interesting conversation that spun up over on when someone needed to troubleshoot an LDAPS issue when querying an AD DC through a firewall. The issue ended up being due to not having the certificate chain (i.e. didn’t trust the root) installed on the client machine but it flushed out a change that […]

Beta testing Longhorn on a virtual machine…

by @ Wednesday, August 23rd, 2006. Filed under tech

…use VMWare Server 1.0!!!! Our friend Jorge contacted me about something he ran into in Longhorn (LH) which reminded me that I had a LH server mid-build on a Virtual Server 2005 R2 (VSR2) instance. I had started it but it was taking so damn long I went on to other things and eventually work […]

Vista and FireFox

by @ Wednesday, August 23rd, 2006. Filed under tech

I read this and thought it was pretty cool of Microsoft The head of Microsoft’s open source lab is inviting Mozilla developers up to Redmond for some help in making sure Firefox and Thunderbird run on Windows Vista. The offer is part of a weekly lab Microsoft is holding for developers in order to reduce […]

Outlook crashes after moving mailboxes in Exchange 2003 SP2…

by @ Wednesday, August 23rd, 2006. Filed under tech

I have heard about this a couple of times now… Here is the only docs I have really found on it Which contains After some work, we were able to determine why Outlook 2003 crashes after moving mailboxes off of Exchange 2000 onto Exchange 2003. The fix is to add a registry value “Guid-Replid […]

Using a network monitor to “sniff” traffic sent to/from the local machine…

by @ Monday, August 21st, 2006. Filed under tech

Occasionally you want to sniff some network traffic but the traffic is all local and you find that the network sniffer doesn’t show anything. This is because the traffic doesn’t make it out to the capture drivers, it is redirected internally before it gets that far. I am working on testing AdMod right now with ADAM […]

Transfer or Seize FSMO roles…

by @ Saturday, August 19th, 2006. Filed under tech

There was a bit of a debate on Active Dir Org recently which is a rehash of a debate that comes up on a fairly regular basis concerning whether or not you should transfer FSMO roles when doing domain controller maintenance. I come down quite unforgivingly on the side of yes, transfer the roles. Part of the reasoning […]

Some LDAP and LDAP related RFC’s if you are interested…

by @ Saturday, August 19th, 2006. Filed under tech Rating 3.00 out of 5

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