joeware - never stop exploring... :)

Information about joeware mixed with wild and crazy opinions...

Archive for the 'tech' Category

How to determine basic info about your Exchange mailbox

by @ Wednesday, August 9th, 2006. Filed under tech

adfind -sc u:userid homemdb Take the value displayed for homemdb and parse it as per the following CN=[DataBase Name],CN=[Storage Group Name],CN=InformationStore,CN=[Server Name],CN=[Admin Group Name],CN=Administrative Groups,CN=[ORG Name],CN=Microsoft Exchange,CN=Services,CN=Configuration,[Root Domain DN] As you can see, you can quickly ascertain your Root Domain DN [Root Domain DN] Exchange Organization Name [ORG Name] Administration Group Name [Admin Group Name] Exchange […]

Command prompt parameters…

by @ Wednesday, August 9th, 2006. Filed under tech

One of the more annoying  and unfortunately common emails I tend to get sent to me goes something like… Dear joe, Your tool xxx must have a bug because it doesn’t work when I have a space in the name[1]. I guess you must not have tested for this situation. When do you think you […]

Loading LongHorn in a virtual machine…

by @ Monday, August 7th, 2006. Filed under tech

I have been trying to spin up another little test environment lately with LongHorn servers because I really need to start figuring out what is changing and making the joeware tools take advantage of the new features. This is actually a bit tough overall because my daily work has nothing to do with LongHorn and […]

When a UNIX app is done right for AD…

by @ Thursday, August 3rd, 2006. Filed under tech

Ok, this post started off in my Linux Drop-In Replacement for Microsoft Exchange???? post but I went off on a tangent but what I thought was an interesting tangent so I moved it to here… So this guy at PostPath that I know, he is a pretty bright guy, I know this because where we […]

Linux Drop-In Replacement for Microsoft Exchange????

by @ Thursday, August 3rd, 2006. Filed under tech

So I know this guy that used to work at a company I used to work at[1]. Shortly before or maybe shortly after I was fired from the company, this person willingly left and moved to California to dig for gold. He ended up at this company called [I can’t tell you because it is […]


by @ Thursday, August 3rd, 2006. Filed under tech

I will admit right up front that I am talking about something I don’t know a lot about… I just felt I should put SOME sort of warning out there though for anyone looking to play with this tool just in case it helps someone from finding out something bad after it has already done […]

Another loss for Microsoft

by @ Saturday, July 29th, 2006. Filed under tech

Microsoft loses another relatively well known techie… this time from security Jesper Johansson – Senior Security Strategist is going to… This guy has truly had a lot to do with Microsoft’s overall security message the last 5 years. I haven’t agreed with everything he has said but overall he is a quite good […]

Sometimes titles are confusing…

by @ Friday, July 28th, 2006. Filed under tech

I was recently helping with an issue where someone was trying to set the security to allow some group to directly modify the title field in the Organization tab of Active Directory Users and Computers (ADUC) of users in a specific OU. They followed the logical path of Right click on OU Select Properties Select the Security tab […]

R2 tombstoneLifetime boo boo

by @ Sunday, July 23rd, 2006. Filed under tech

In a previous entry I spoke about some documentation on TechNet that was incorrect which stated that if the tombstonelifetime attribute wasn’t set on the Directory Service object in the configuration container of an Active Directory (or ADAM) that the tombstone lifetime (TSL) was either 60 days or 180 days depending on whether the forest […]

Focus on a previous comment…

by @ Friday, July 21st, 2006. Filed under tech

Mike Kline frequent joeware blog commenter posted a comment for the article where I congratulated Mark and Bryce[1] for the sale of Sysinternals. I responded to his comment and ripped on my aquaintence Dean and realized that Dean isn’t ever going to go back and look at comments and actually see the rip, heck I […]

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