joeware - never stop exploring... :)

Information about joeware mixed with wild and crazy opinions...

Archive for the 'tech' Category

Cool tech from HP

by @ Monday, July 17th, 2006. Filed under tech

Hewlett-Packard unveiled a memory chip the size of a tomato seed on Monday in its Palo Alto laboratories. The tiny chip, called the Memory Spot, can be attached unobtrusively to any object and carry media or data. The Memory Spot will rival RFID tags in carrying information on movable physical objects, but HP calls it […]

Disjoint Namespaces in Active Directory

by @ Monday, July 17th, 2006. Filed under tech

I was recently reading something where someone described a multi-tree forest as a forest with a disjoint namespace. This is not correct and since there seems to be quite a bit of confusion on what exactly a disjoint namespace and its supportability is I thought I would put some words out there about it since […]

Repeat after me…

by @ Monday, July 17th, 2006. Filed under tech

The Active Directory domain is not a security boundary; it is a policy and replication boundary. The Active Directory domain is not a security boundary; it is a policy and replication boundary. The Active Directory domain is not a security boundary; it is a policy and replication boundary. The Active Directory domain is not a […]

This Active Directory installation requires domain configuration changes, but whether these changes have been made on the domain controller is undetermined…

by @ Saturday, July 15th, 2006. Filed under tech

Ever see the error This Active Directory installation requires domain configuration changes, but whether these changes have been made on the domain controller is undetermined. The installation process has quit. “The system cannot find the file specified.” when doing a DCPROMO? I was going through my emails trying to clean up and hit one […]

Bad day for my disk subsystems…

by @ Tuesday, July 11th, 2006. Filed under tech

I had an interesting day troubleshooting hard disk issues. The first problem was in a machine that hosts a bunch of my virtual machines I use for testing scenarios for work. It was running slower and slower as the last few days went by and boot times had doubled from the normal time frame on the […]

Windows Patches…

by @ Tuesday, July 11th, 2006. Filed under tech

It is patch Tuesday and there is at least one critical that folks should probably pay attention to if they just plain run Windows. Mailslots used to be used quite extensively on Windows and still are in use now. That messenger service, no not that MSN Messenger thing, the one that receives NET SEND […]

Ding dong the witch is dead… No more Win9X

by @ Tuesday, July 11th, 2006. Filed under tech

No more Windows 98, Windows 98 SE, and Windows ME support…. FINALLY!!!!!   I know it is probably just me but I hated Windows 95/98/ME. As soon as NT4 was available and I got a hold of it I was running that. Prior to that I worked on a lot of DEC RSTS/E and […]

ADMOD updates still moving along nicely…

by @ Tuesday, July 11th, 2006. Filed under tech

Well I just got a majority of the CSV import new object code into admod and debugged and just wanted to share how cool it is… Check this out… The command being run is on the spot pulling all of the OUs in a domain (all 13160 of them…) and creating them in ADAM…. One […]

STL Iterators

by @ Sunday, July 9th, 2006. Filed under tech

The summary of this post is that if you are using a c++ Standard Template Library (STL) container and you need to iterate through it… use an iterator… That is what they are there for. I admit, I am not the greatest c++ coder but I can generally find my way around without too much […]

What about PWD_NOT_REQD??

by @ Thursday, June 29th, 2006. Filed under tech

Matheesha left a comment on Change Password versus Set Password entry that is actually quite good and I hear on a regular basis… That question being “Hey, what’s up with PWD_NOT_REQD??” The short and sweet… Don’t use it. It isn’t required and shouldn’t be used. The slightly longer and slightly less sweet… PWD_NOT_REQD is a […]

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