joeware - never stop exploring... :)

Information about joeware mixed with wild and crazy opinions...

Archive for the 'tech' Category

Change Password versus Set/Reset Password

by @ Wednesday, June 28th, 2006. Filed under tech

After a previous post on ChangePW now being able to change passwords as well as set passwords I received several emails and a blog comment asking… Dude… WTF is the difference?[1] When you change a password, you supply the old password along with the new password, if the old password is correct and the new […]

Hey buddy… can you spare a billion US Dollars? How about $30 billion?

by @ Tuesday, June 27th, 2006. Filed under tech

This is the new definition of generous… Warren Buffett’s stunning announcement that he will give $30 billion of his $44 billion Berkshire Hathaway (nyse: BRKA – news – people ) fortune to the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation shows that the billionaire titans of today want serious advances in the world’s health, science and […]

Why Skype is bad…

by @ Tuesday, June 27th, 2006. Filed under tech

Interesting comments in the blog below… I had no idea that Skype did this super node business… But then I am not a big Skype user. You see, Skype is another way to spell TELEPHONE and we all know how I feel about those. I have exactly one person in my Skype contact list […]

Modifying ACLs on SAM objects (on local machines, not in AD…)

by @ Tuesday, June 27th, 2006. Filed under tech

I recently fielded a question on how to read/modify the ACL on a local group on a workstation. This made me think back because I haven’t done ACL mods on workstations in a while and then I realized I had never seen it done. I thought about it… does a local group in the SAM have […]

Being flexible is hard…

by @ Tuesday, June 27th, 2006. Filed under tech

I am sitting here watching Modern Marvels and working on ADMOD. I am _still_ working on the CSV/ADCSV functionality coupled with the flexible variable expansion I am putting in. It’s tough. Even tougher will be trying to document _how_ to use the full functionality I am putting in. Seriously, it isn’t going to be a […]

The web killed it?

by @ Monday, June 26th, 2006. Filed under tech

Scoble has an interesting, but IMO, completely offbase opinion on why WinFS is dead. At least I hope it is off base, if it isn’t Microsoft is even more far off in their thinking than I ever thought and I need to start spending even more time on FreeBSD. Robert seems to think that the web […]

Ding dong – WinFS is dead

by @ Sunday, June 25th, 2006. Filed under tech

OI. One of the biggest things that folks have been looking for out of Microsoft for some time now has pretty much been swept under the carpet. If you read this and get anything other than WinFS has been 86’ed I would be surprised. It sounds like they have killed it and now are trying […]

Does anyone work at Cingular that knows how make web pages work?

by @ Saturday, June 24th, 2006. Filed under tech

Those who know me know I am not a phone person. I turn phone ringers off and even if they are on, I could let a phone ring for an hour without it bothering me one bit. I much prefer email for several reasons that I have outlined before but quickly I prefer the clarity, the […]

Cool Blog Entry from Steve Patrick (spat)

by @ Thursday, June 22nd, 2006. Filed under tech

Steve is a pretty smart guy that you should generally listen to. Definitely subscribe to his blog if you haven’t. Spat wrote up a nice little entry on a “feature” in Windows Server 2003 Gold that was actually pretty dangerous that was sort of fixed in SP1. I first heard about it while sitting in […]

Changing interval that lastLogonTimeStamp gets updated…

by @ Thursday, June 22nd, 2006. Filed under tech

I get this question pretty regularly… “How do you change how often lastLogonTimeStamp gets updated because I want this updated every time a user is authenticated…” First off, no you don’t. Authentications occur a heck of a lot more often than you probably expect and not just when someone sits down and types their password in. […]

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