joeware - never stop exploring... :)

Information about joeware mixed with wild and crazy opinions...

Archive for the 'tech' Category

What is up with the MSNBot?

by @ Sunday, April 30th, 2006. Filed under tech

Many will look at that subject and go huh? Those with websites will tend to know what I am saying, well one exception in my mind is a good friend of mine who has a website but doesn’t look at logs. Hi buddy! 😉   So anyway, I am looking at my web stats to […]

ExchMbx status

by @ Thursday, April 27th, 2006. Filed under tech

Ok… So this is a bit weird. Supposedly the MoveMailbox CDOEXM method cannot be used to move mailboxes across administrative groups until you get Exchange 2003 SP2 installed and specially call the method with the proper parameters… I am not finding that to be true with ExchMbx. I can use an old or new version […]

Vista Build 5365 (beta 2)

by @ Thursday, April 27th, 2006. Filed under tech

Well I just completed loading Vista Build 5365 (beta 2) on my HP DV8000… Huge improvements over build 5342. For starters the installation maybe took 80 minutes which is drammatically faster and obviously the installation looks much better. The build still doesn’t set up my sound card yet though which is a trifle annoying, I […]

Monad becomes PowerShell?

by @ Wednesday, April 26th, 2006. Filed under tech Yep its true… Can’t say that the name PowerShell makes me quiver or anything. I recall how the first time I heard the Monad name I was like, hey pretty cool name, a science (chemistry) term. The name PowerShell makes me think of a MAC.  Oh well, it appears it will be released to […]

Darren Mar-Elia leaves position as Quest CTO and joins DesktopStandard Corporation

by @ Tuesday, April 25th, 2006. Filed under tech

If you don’t know Darren, your loss, he is a great guy, a bright guy, a fellow Microsoft MVP, the GPO GUY. Darren is one of the few folks that is into GPOs and knows a lot about them that I actually like talking to. GPOs aren’t my bag and most of the folks who talk […]

ExchMbx update coming soon…

by @ Tuesday, April 25th, 2006. Filed under tech

I have been working on updating ExchMbx so that MoveMailbox works under Exchange Server 2003 SP2. I also added a switch to enable the new Cross Administrative Group capability that is there. I am hoping to release it in the next week or before May 1 since I kept saying I should have it done […]


by @ Wednesday, April 19th, 2006. Filed under tech

The last couple of days were quite interesting for me. I had the opportunity to work with a customer that I have never worked with; a government type customer. The customers I normally speak with are very large corporate customers, not government. There were many things that I take as common sense or “of course you […]

GRRR! Update 2 (resolved) or I am really slow but sometimes that is a good thing…

by @ Tuesday, April 18th, 2006. Filed under tech

After the wave of responses on what could possibly be wrong with my VPN (insert stock footage of crickets chirping) I continued on pecking away at the problem. As you recall, last we met I had VPN’ed into work, got some updates (what I don’t know), then VPN didn’t work anymore, I couldn’t learn anything […]

GRRR! Update

by @ Monday, April 17th, 2006. Filed under tech

I thought I would spend most of the day working on the laptop to get VPN working again and somehow it just didn’t seem important enough so I slipped off and had a nice Easter dinner and then spent some time trying to figure out exactly how many pair of socks I would need for […]

Please read this carefully. It’s not the usual yada yada.

by @ Sunday, April 16th, 2006. Filed under tech

You recognize that line? If not, it is from the Google Desktop install which I just installed yesterday. I believe it is version 3 but I don’t really know. I read that line and just started cracking up, it definitely got my attention. It told me that if I enable advanced features some info will be sent  to […]

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