joeware - never stop exploring... :)

Information about joeware mixed with wild and crazy opinions...

Archive for the 'updates' Category

AdMod V01.09.00

by @ Monday, January 15th, 2007. Filed under updates

Someone posted info on a bug in the joeware forums about AdMod that I wanted to take care of ASAP so I made the correction as well as a couple of other small changes and have uploaded the new bin. Changes Fixed bug in tokenization which could impact many things but primarily argument processing Allow […]

AdFind V01.35.00

by @ Saturday, January 6th, 2007. Filed under updates

I have released an update to AdFind. The new version is V01.35.00. The following changes are included: Fixed bug in -onlydacl Fixed bug in -sddl for ACL flag output Added shortcut DomainNCs Changed output of ACL Flag output for -sddl++ Added -onlydaclflag, -onlysaclflag, -onlyaclflags I think folks will like the -onlydaclflag switch once they realize […]

AdFind Update and AdMod Update

by @ Tuesday, November 14th, 2006. Filed under updates

I forgot to announce an update that occurred to AdMod back on Nov 6. It is a typo fix, new version is V01.08.02. Also AdFind has been V01.34.00 uploaded this evening. There is a bug fix for a very specific issue with filtered security descriptor CSV output. Also I added the -qlist, -onlysacl, and -onlydacl options. I […]

AdFind and AdMod updated…

by @ Tuesday, October 31st, 2006. Filed under updates

I have uploaded the latest versions of AdFind and AdMod this evening. AdFind is now at V01.33.00 Changed some docs Fixed a bug reported to me on the search produced by -sc u Slight mod to how -decsddlacl works Added some extra timers for -selapsed Added more -exterr capability to a couple of error areas […]

AdFind V01.32.00

by @ Sunday, October 1st, 2006. Filed under updates

AdFind V01.32.00 is officially released… You can download it from I have posted several glimpses into what this version can do here on the blog, here are the changes: Fixed bug in -adcsv, added more data to -adcsv header Fixed bug in -noctl Fixed bug in SDDL SID Decode Added subnets and exch to DN […]

AdMod V01.07.00

by @ Sunday, October 1st, 2006. Filed under updates

AdMod V01.07.00 is officially released… You can download it from As with AdFind, I have posted several glimpses into what this version can do here on the blog. Note that a couple of the previous usage scenarios were modified based on some usage feedback which should help make some things a little less confusing. Please […]

Two relatively popular requests for AdFind finally added in V01.32.00…

by @ Sunday, October 1st, 2006. Filed under updates

One popular request I have received over the years for AdFind was to decode the Generalized Time fields like I decode some of the common int8 (64 bit) time fields. I have always said no to this because I don’t consider the fields encoded so not in need of decoding… I see something like >whenCreated: […]

AdFind/AdMod Updates

by @ Monday, September 25th, 2006. Filed under updates

I sent out the second beta for AdMod yesterday afternoon, I am expecting to release it to the general public within a week. The beta testers have not reported back any issues other than the general comments of the usage/help is huge… Note that is light help too, the tool now will do so much and […]

Added some AdMod Shortcuts

by @ Monday, September 18th, 2006. Filed under updates

In my testing I realized that the power to quickly create a bunch of test users or test groups was cool but was a lot to type… Unfortunately there is a lot of info that is needed, but I did find a way to shorten it a little by making some assumptions. I added a […]

AdMod V01.07.00 Beta seen in the wild…

by @ Wednesday, September 13th, 2006. Filed under updates

Yes! I finally got the beta out the door to a few beta testers. Hopefully the testers will beat the crap out of it and tell me where all of the issues are. In the meanwhile I will try to run through testing everything in various ways as well. This is what September 13, 2006 […]

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