joeware - never stop exploring... :)

Information about joeware mixed with wild and crazy opinions...


I was just talking about living in a cardboard box today and saw this cartoon and chuckled to myself…

by @ 8:45 pm. Filed under humour

Rating 3.00 out of 5

Replacing a Bunch of Target Addresses

by @ 8:16 pm. Filed under tech

I had someone ping me about replacing the target address on a bunch of contacts in a given OU with adfind/admod. This is actually a great use of those utilities and why I added the cool -adcsv functionality in… This used to be something that you had to script, no choice, but not now…

So the task was… Replace the target address on all contacts in a given OU with a new target address that replaced with

The way the person was trying to do it was with (all one line if it wraps on you)

adfind -b “OU=source users,dc=source,dc=local” -f targetaddress=* -dsq | admod -safety 10 targetaddress::”smtp:%’mailNickname’%@domain.local”

Not sure where he got this formatting because admod never used anything like that. At least not to my knowledge and I think if it did, I would have knowledge of it. ;o)

The direct replacement for that command that would work as this person expected it would be

adfind -b “OU=source users,dc=source,dc=local” -f targetaddress=* mailnickname -adcsv | admod -safety 10 targetaddress::smtp:{{mailNickname}}@domain.local

Another way to have tackled that should work would have been

adfind -b “OU=source users,dc=source,dc=local” -f targetaddress=* targetaddress -adcsv | admod -safety 10 targetaddress::{{}}

Here is an example of that in action but I will only target a single user since it will show it off just fine…

[Thu 03/27/2008 20:10:52.19]
G:\blogfodder>adfind -e -default -f targetaddress=SMTP:* targetaddress

AdFind V01.37.00cpp Joe Richards ( June 2007

Using server: DC1.joeware.local:389
Directory: Windows Server 2003
Base DN: DC=joeware,DC=local


1 Objects returned

[Thu 03/27/2008 20:10:57.49]
G:\blogfodder>adfind -e -default -f targetaddress=SMTP:* targetaddress -adcsv |admod targetaddress::{{targetaddress:r:soe:some}}

AdMod V01.11.00cpp Joe Richards ( June 2007

DN Count: 1
Using server: DC1.joeware.local:389
Directory: Windows Server 2003

Modifying specified objects…
DN: CN=testcontact,OU=test,DC=joeware,DC=local…

The command completed successfully

[Thu 03/27/2008 20:11:34.59]
G:\blogfodder>adfind -e -default -f targetaddress=SMTP:* targetaddress

AdFind V01.37.00cpp Joe Richards ( June 2007

Using server: DC1.joeware.local:389
Directory: Windows Server 2003
Base DN: DC=joeware,DC=local


1 Objects returned

How do you do that with the built-in tools with Windows? You don’t unless you manually do the mod. Fine for the one off but if you have 50 or 100 or 1000 or 10000 then not so fine.

Oh the astute will realize that that version of AdMod is more recent than what is available on the website… yes true, it is my personal beta version that I haven’t released yet. I will work on it in the next couple months and get it released. I actually introduced a silly bug in that version that I am keeping all to myself. ;o)


Rating 3.00 out of 5

For Geeks Who Like Mariah…

by @ 7:54 pm. Filed under general

I am not a huge fan of Mariah but the video is funny and I like the silver dress.

Oh I was asked about the reference at the end… 802.11N is a draft specification for wireless networking. Basically Mariah is asking if the geek guy (who is the guy from Third Rock and I think is killer funny!) changed her wireless over from some “slower” wireless network to the “faster” 802.11N wireless. Note that spec is still in draft and will be for another year or so.

Rating 3.00 out of 5

Parameters with Spaces and Quotes in Command Line Programs

by @ 1:38 am. Filed under tech

One of the top things I get “help me joda!” emails about is people trying to run my utilities and running into issues with strings with spaces and other special characters. These strings are handled in special ways by the command interpreter and when people think my programs are screwing up, it is actually just that my program is not seeing what the person running the program is intending… 

What do I mean by this… The command interpreter CMD.EXE is just a program, it takes the things you type and processes it. There are special characters that mean special things to CMD. For example, the space character that you get by pressing that wide button on the bottom of your keyboard tells CMD that you are ending the last word (or more accurately token) and starting a new one. This is generally used to separate an executable name from parameters or parameters from each other.

For example


is a single token md.

md joerocks

is two tokens. md and joerocks where joerocks is the parameter to be “passed” or “handed over” to md to work with. They are separated by the space. You look at that and you know what it means, everyone[0] knows what it means of course. Create a directory called joerocks.

Well the computer doesn’t just know ANYTHING, it KNOWS by following rules programmed into it that it has to follow to a logical (generally) conclusion…

So what if you do…

md joe rocks

That is three tokens – md followed by joe followed by rocks. The MD program[1] will create a directory called joe and then it will create a directory called rocks. Let’s see this in action:

Volume in drive G is GDrive
Volume Serial Number is 5C71-92C4

Directory of G:\blogfodder

03/26/2008 06:26 PM <DIR> .
03/26/2008 06:26 PM <DIR> ..
0 File(s) 0 bytes
2 Dir(s) 303,191,179,264 bytes free

Now you run the command

md joerocks

and you get

Volume in drive G is GDrive
Volume Serial Number is 5C71-92C4

Directory of G:\blogfodder

03/26/2008 06:27 PM <DIR> .
03/26/2008 06:27 PM <DIR> ..
03/26/2008 06:27 PM <DIR> joerocks
0 File(s) 0 bytes
3 Dir(s) 303,191,179,264 bytes free

but if instead you run

md joe rocks

you get

[Wed 03/26/2008 18:28:48.88]
Volume in drive G is GDrive
Volume Serial Number is 5C71-92C4

Directory of G:\blogfodder

03/26/2008 06:28 PM <DIR> .
03/26/2008 06:28 PM <DIR> ..
03/26/2008 06:28 PM <DIR> joe
03/26/2008 06:28 PM <DIR> rocks
0 File(s) 0 bytes
4 Dir(s) 303,191,179,264 bytes free

Do you see that? Does it make sense?

Oh my gosh… what if you really want a directory called joe rocks though? Personally I recommend against directories with spaces in them for the token parsing reason[2] but lets say you just want to do it because it looks prettier… Damn the functionality and issues… How do you do it… Most command line folks or even folks that occasionally use the command line will immediately say… “quote the string” of course! And yes that is it, you “quote the string” with the spaces (and/or other special characters) like so

md “joe rocks”

which gives you something like

[Wed 03/26/2008 18:36:05.00]
Volume in drive G is GDrive
Volume Serial Number is 5C71-92C4

Directory of G:\blogfodder

03/26/2008 06:36 PM <DIR> .
03/26/2008 06:36 PM <DIR> ..
03/26/2008 06:36 PM <DIR> joe rocks
0 File(s) 0 bytes
3 Dir(s) 303,191,179,264 bytes free

What the quotes did is to make the command interpreter treat the entire string joe rocks as a single token.


Now let’s say you want to see if there is anything in that new directory (or folder if you prefer you Windows Explorer types…)

you type

dir joe rocks

and you get…

G:\blogfodder>dir joe rocks
Volume in drive G is GDrive
Volume Serial Number is 5C71-92C4

Directory of G:\blogfodder

Directory of G:\blogfodder

File Not Found

Err…. whoops. Have to quote that too…

G:\blogfodder>dir “joe rocks”
Volume in drive G is GDrive
Volume Serial Number is 5C71-92C4

Directory of G:\blogfodder\joe rocks

03/26/2008 06:36 PM <DIR> .
03/26/2008 06:36 PM <DIR> ..
0 File(s) 0 bytes
2 Dir(s) 303,191,179,264 bytes free

Fabulous! Again, the quotes did what? They tell the command interpreter to treat the string joe rocks as a single token.


But what does that really do for the program? Why does that help? Why can’t the program just figure this schtuff out, I want what I want, I don’t want to guess what the program thinks I might want and then try to guess how to tell it what I want…

Ok so for a bit of a techy bit on the programming side. If you are a limey git living in Southern Florida with a poorly faked English accent who commutes to New York on a regular basis, you probably want to skip this bit because you will get confused, the rest of you, yes including you mom, can continue reading…

When you launch a program from the command line, the parameters are passed to the program. Depending on the some specific details about the program the parameters are presented in various ways to the program code. I write in c or c++ so use the standard argc / argv mechanism (see main function – for getting the parameters. Basically this means you get passed two variables, argc which is the count of parameters passed in and argv is an array or listing of those parameters. So say you have the following command

programname1 arg1 arg2 arg3 arg4

The argc variable will have a value of 5 and the argv array will look like

  1. programname1.exe
  2. arg1
  3. arg2
  4. arg3
  5. arg4

The first value will be the name of the executable itself, and then an array entry for every parameter passed.

So say you call adfind with

adfind -default -f name=joe -dn

The argv array will look like

  1. adfind.exe
  2. -default
  3. -f
  4. name=joe
  5. -dn

My parameter handling routine knows that the -f switch will usually have a modifier so it will look at the array entry following the entry with the switch to get that info. As you can see here, that info is there for the program to use. But what happens if the name has a space in it? Say like:

adfind -default -f name=joe rocks -dn

The argv array will then look like

  1. adfind.exe
  2. -default
  3. -f
  4. name=joe
  5. rocks
  6. -dn

So when AdFind sends the filter to the server, it will send name=joe and not name=joe rocks. Obviously that is incorrect. To correct this issue, you quote the string that has the special character…

adfind -default -f “name=joe rocks” -dn

The argv array will then look like

  1. adfind.exe
  2. -default
  3. -f
  4. name=joe rocks
  5. -dn

Much better.

So as you can see, the quotes can make a huge difference in what my or anyone else’s programs see and consequently how they respond.




Now the reason I started writing this blog entry though was because of an email that basically said:

Hey poser, this command isn’t working… why?

cpau -u mydomain\myuserid -p mypassword -ex “msiexec /i “c:\temp \pearl echo 7.0 workstation.msi” /q” -lwop

Let me show you what the argv array looks like for this command:

  1. cpau.exe
  2. -u
  3. mydomain\myuserid
  4. -p
  5. mypassword
  6. -ex
  7. msiexec /i c:\temp
  8. \pearl
  9. echo
  10. 7.0
  11. workstation.msi /q
  12. -lwop

Do you think that is what was intended? CPAU is going to look at that and think…

Ok so the userid I am supposed to use is mydomain\myuserid

The password is mypassword

The thing to run is msiexec /i c:\temp

The logon locally without a profile option is enabled

And finally there are some random items in the array that may or may not be worth something.


The problem is due to the quotes. Quotes go together – start and end. They don’t just automatically “nest” for you. Meaning if you saw something like “joe said that quotes don’t “nest” properly and you need to do something about it” you could probably read it and ascertain the meaning. You would likely realize that the quote characters around the word nest weren’t the end of the first quoted item seen in the string in front of joe and the start of a new quoted string that ends after it. The computer isn’t that intelligent, remember computers run on 0’s and 1’s, on or off, true or false (or if you prefer TRUE or FALSE)…. There is no “well I think it might be this”. It needs to follow specific rules and the rule with quotes is if you see a quote, keep everything after in a single token until you encounter another quote and then you can stop doing that and go back to normal processing. So going back to that string above

“msiexec /i “c:\temp \pearl echo 7.0 workstation.msi” /q”

it is looked at as the following strings

“msiexec /i “c:\temp \pearl echo 7.0 workstation.msi” /q”

You may wonder, wait shouldn’t the first token end after the first “end quote” so c:\temp would be a new string… Nope, the command interpreter splits up the command line into tokens based on the space character (primarily). Since there is no space after the quote character, it keeps on going until it hits one. Ditto for the end of the string.

The proper way to handle nesting quotes is to use the “slash” character to “escape” the quote character or in other words to pass it through the command interpreter (i.e. make CMD ignore it). Like so

cpau -u mydomain\myuserid -p mypassword -ex “msiexec /i \”c:\temp \pearl echo 7.0 workstation.msi\” /q” -lwop

The extra slash characters will cause argv to be constructed as

  1. cpau.exe
  2. -u
  3. mydomain\myuserid
  4. -p
  5. mypassword
  6. -ex
  7. msiexec /i “c:\temp \pearl echo 7.0 workstation.msi” /q
  8. -lwop

Note that the quote characters that were escaped were passed right through to the executable, which is this case is EXACTLY what we wanted.


Hope this helps out. 🙂





[0] I am using everyone in an incredibly relativistic[0.1] way here…

[0.1] Ok, I don’t mean as in Theory of Relativity way either. Don’t be pedantic.

[1] Yes I know it is part of CMD and not its own program, bear with me here…

[2] I have always had a special love for Microsoft and Program Files or Documents And Settings or should I say PROGRA~1 and DOCUM~1… Wankers.

Rating 4.00 out of 5

Information on the little circles on the money that prevent copiers from copying it…

by @ 12:41 am. Filed under general


And how to get around it in Photoshop…

Rating 3.00 out of 5

The new $5 bill

by @ 12:35 am. Filed under general

The new US $5 bill…

Allegedly the small yellow circles are in a special pattern that will tell digital copy software not to copy the money… You will just get a black image.


With all the redesign work on the money, I wonder why we haven’t done like some other countries and made the money more usable for the visually challenged… i.e. physical differences in the denominations that don’t require visual capabilities. I know the money in England irked me until I realized why it was sized differently and then started wondering why everyone didn’t do that.

Rating 3.00 out of 5


Winter sucks

by @ 4:50 pm. Filed under humour

Rating 3.00 out of 5


Thanks for Everything Arthur…

by @ 3:31 pm. Filed under general

Crap, this sat in my drafts for a few days… I need to stop using multiple PCs…

Rating 3.00 out of 5


Happy First Sunday After the Paschal Full Moon on or After the Ecclesiastical Vernal Equinox

by @ 6:24 pm. Filed under general

;o)  – Happy Easter


Rating 3.00 out of 5


Choosing how to respond…

by @ 7:16 pm. Filed under general

One of the books I am currently reading is Family First by Dr. Phil. I don’t have children but I think it is a good book anyway. I have lots of nieces and nephews and friends with kids and maybe at some point I will have one or more as well but I think it is a good book just to read for yourself because at some point, you were a kid yourself.

Anyway I found a passage that was, IMO, exceptionally good.

Talk to your children about the fact that they own their feelings. Their sadness or anger is not caused by someone else. They are not mad because someone else made them mad. They’re angy or sad because of how they choose to respond. Emotional responses are triggered by our interpretation – the meaning we assign to a situation. In other words, our emotions flow from the meaning we attach to situations. By helping your children understand this connection, you can help your kids become more accountable for how they react to stressful situations and problems in their lives. Whatever the situation, they can choose their reactions.

I read that passage three or four times and thought it was great for anyone, not just kids.

Rating 3.00 out of 5

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