joeware - never stop exploring... :)

Information about joeware mixed with wild and crazy opinions...


Ooops… or should I say… You mean it isn’t ok to leave admin IDs unchanged for years?

by @ 7:36 pm. Filed under tech

A Concord, New Hampshire, financial services company is sending data breach notification letters to customers after discovering that shared passwords, set up to simplify administrative functions nearly 10 years ago, could have exposed the private data of 1.2 million customers.

Off the top of my head, every company I have ever seen does this in some shape or form. I am always the one saying don’t do it, but usually I don’t have a big enough hammer to get person X to be forced to NOT do this.

I have written this topic before…

I wonder how many other companies around the world are in the same bad spot as the company mentioned above and they just don’t realize it.

These bad IDs are easy to find… Download oldcmp and run a report with the following command

oldcmp -report -users -age 365 -sh -realage -h test.loc -format csv

Then chop the non-CSV portion from the top of the file and pull into excel and look at what you have out there. Very likely you will find service/app/generic IDs that have been out there set as non-expiring and haven’t had a password change in years…



Rating 4.00 out of 5


Decreasing Number of Geeks a National Security Risk

by @ 10:29 pm. Filed under general

This is an interesting article…

Sure, we’re all plugged in and online 24/7. But fewer American kids are growing up to be bona fide computer geeks. And that poses a serious security risk for the country, according to the Defense Department.

I think a another big part of this problem is around the outsourcing of the computer geek type jobs, specifically IT, database, and developer jobs. I am where I am because I worked my way up the ranks. I didn’t start out knowing what I know now, I slowly learned and moved forward and learned more and got better. Challenges in lower level jobs taught me how to solve harder and more complex issues. It taught me to think through the problem, it taught me to think long term. It allowed me to move up and take on more complicated, higher level jobs. If I hadn’t been in those jobs and worked my way up, I very likely would never have written the tools I have written, never have authored the content that I have written. Before I found computers I was gung ho about being a Dr. I would practice writing a sloppy signature and everything. Even today my handwriting would make any physician or surgeon jealous.

Anyway, these starter and medium level jobs are all being pushed to offshore (or best shore) locations and so there are fewer and fewer jobs available for people to start in and move up the chain. People aren’t going to move straight into high level developer and architect positions, or if they do… watch out. We outsource our low level stuff now and continue doing so, we will be outsourcing our high level jobs later and then what will the security risk be?


Rating 3.00 out of 5

AdFind’s objectClass output is correct, it is CSVDE that is incorrect…

by @ 1:44 pm. Filed under tech

I promise myself that any time I hit about five emails for the same issue, I will try to write a blog entry about it so people can find it during their Google search phase before attempting to bother the developers/support folks…

Well I hit the limit this morning with an issue that has annoyed me for a long time with CSVDE but didn’t otherwise care about because quite simply I don’t use it and honestly not many people even realize to even ask about…

CSVDE gives incorrect output for objectClass. It gives you a single value for objectClass although objectClass is a multi-valued attribute.

For example:

C:\temp\delete>csvde -s test-dc1 -r name=joe  -f CON:  -l objectclass
Connecting to "test-dc1"
Logging in as current user using SSPI
Exporting directory to file CON:
Searching for entries…
Writing out entries
Export Completed. Post-processing in progress…
1 entries exported

The command has completed successfully

C:\temp\delete>adfind -e -default -f name=joe  objectclass

AdFind V01.41.00cpp ##BETA## Joe Richards ( January 2010

Using server: TEST-DC1.test.loc:389
Directory: Windows Server 2003
Base DN: DC=test,DC=loc

>objectClass: top
>objectClass: joeware-DottedLine
>objectClass: person
>objectClass: organizationalPerson
>objectClass: user

1 Objects returned


You will note that in the CSVDE export it doesn’t mention joeware-DottedLine at all… The generic issue here is that from the CSVDE output you have no understanding that there is a dynamic aux class bound to the object. Dynamic auxiliary classes make additional attributes available on objects. In this case, the ability to specify an additional dotted line manager or managers.  This could be troublesome if you are exporting objects and then re-importing them later.



Rating 3.00 out of 5


And another AdMod beta… Fix for a CSV multi-value expansion mode bug.

by @ 2:24 am. Filed under tech

I have updated the AdMod Beta again. My good friend Princess (Jorge) was very nice to ping me with an issue he was hitting in AdMod (both previous stable versions and beta) this last week and low and behold after testing I realized it was a bug. A bug in a very nasty portion of the CSV code.  Those of you who recall, CSV functionality was never intended to be in AdMod (and AdFind). One night after a particularly awesome Summit and Directory Experts Conference I figured out how to hack CSV into the tools. However it was akin to how most companies used to build convertibles. They built a normal car, welded a couple of extra braces on and cut the top off. Slowly but surely I am slowly cleaning up this really bad code and unfortunately the bug Jorge hit was deep in the middle of some of the worst of it. Once I knew it was a bug, it took me another 4 hours to actually trace down WHERE the bug was. And I didn’t even figure it out while sitting in front of the computer. It was one of those things where you are off doing something completely disconnected and your mind wanders and the answers pops into your head. I love it when that happens. 🙂

Once the bug was found the fix was simple, obvious and solid and I was able to plug it in but there was a good period of time there that I was thinking I didn’t like Jorge very much. ;o)

Anyway, the upshot is that there is a new AdMod beta up on the website if you would like to download it. 🙂

Thanks to Jorge and everyone else that is testing the apps and sending me feedback, it is always appreciated and helps me make a better product for all of us.



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Blog Spam

by @ 7:00 pm. Filed under general

Rating 3.00 out of 5


Watch out, some personalized phishing going on…

by @ 7:00 pm. Filed under general

This email came in from one of my former work managers… It wasn’t him. I knew it by the writing style and word choice and well, that it happened at all to be honest, as soon as I saw it but others may not figure it out so fast…


Hi, I really don’t mean to inconvenience you right now but I made a quick
trip to London UK this past weekend and had my bag stolen from me in
which contains my passport and credit cards. I know this may sound odd,
but it happened very fast. I’ve been to the US embassy and they’re
willing to help me fly without my passport but I just have to pay for my
ticket and settle some bills. Right now I’m out of cash plus i can’t
access my bank without my credit card here, I’ve made contact with them
but they need more verification. I was  thinking of asking you to lend me
some funds now and I’ll pay back as soon as I get home. I need to get on
the next available flight.
Please reply as soon as you can if you are ok with this so i can forward
the details as to where to send the funds. You can reach me via May field
hotel’s desk phone if you can, the numbers are, 011447024051771 or




Rating 3.00 out of 5


ADAM (aka ADLDS) is available for Windows 7 now!!!

by @ 9:00 pm. Filed under tech


The same for Windows Vista is on the horizon…

Rating 3.00 out of 5

AdFind/AdMod Beta update

by @ 6:00 am. Filed under tech

I incorrectly linked AdMod when I posted it ( previously. So if you ran it you probably saw an error about a missing DLL unless you had already installed the Borland/Codegear DLLs for some other app. I have recompiled and relinked with static linkages so everyone should be fine now. Let me know if there are any other issues.


My sincere apologies for the inconvenience! 🙂



Rating 3.00 out of 5


Better Authentication…

by @ 7:56 pm. Filed under tech

“Better authentication methods can come along any day now… I’m ready…”

That is something I said this morning while working on my work laptop. We recently were required to add whole machine encryption which meant adding yet another password and remembering yet another ID/Password combination. When I loaded the encryption software two things irked me… The first was that I had yet another ID/Password combination to worry about and second that the local recovery mechanism was three silly questions most of which based on information that can change[1]…

Now when I fire up my laptop for work I have to enter a whole disk encryption userid / password. It is my main corporate ID in UPN/email format but a whole other password that must be six numeric digits[2]. Then I get my main logon screen which is my main ID in SAM format (I could use UPN here if I chose as well), but with my password from the corporate forest. Then I get my desktop and Office Communicator fires up and for some reason, more times than not, it asks me to enter my password as well. So again I enter my corporate password. Then up comes MSN for when Office Communicator isn’t working (all too often unfortunately)… So I enter that entirely different userid and password. Then I fire up Outlook and get to enter passwords for the PST files (yes that is my choice). So now that is the first 2 minutes of the work day…

Now let’s say I need to connect to different customer environments… We have three different shared environments that I can connect to that house many of our customers. One uses my corporate userid name but not the corporate password. One uses a whole other userid (a second corporate userid since we went through a merger with another company) and password. And the last uses two factor auth so I have to enter my secondary corporate userid with a PIN I know and a passcode from an RSA Token. Now this is only for some accounts. Other accounts have their own IDs and passwords. So say I need to get into the account I spent most of last year on, I go to their Reverse Proxy Web Site and enter my main userid and password from their corporate directory, then to connect to a server I use one of my six Admin IDs I have for that environment. Next if I connect to another large customer that I have been handling various questions for a W2K8 migration I enter a userid with a smartcard (different from the RSA token) temporary password to get into the firewalled section that is set aside for that customer, and then another userid/password to get onto the Citrix system that allows me to work on that network. If I want to connect to their lab environment, even more userids and passwords… If happen to have yet another RSA token and set of userids to connect to another largish customer I used to work on as well. I have to actually label my RSA tokens by which company the token is for. That alone is a pain, how come I can’t at least use one token/smart card for all of the companies?

This doesn’t at all go into the stuff I have for my personal world… Access to Microsoft Source Code is another smart card/password. Microsoft Private News Groups. Hotmail email account. My joeware email accounts. Admin IDs for each of my test forests for playing with AD. Home Depot account, six or seven credit card accounts, eBay, Amazon, my website and blog, 401k, health insurance, stock benefits site, Craig’s List, Code Gear Developer Account so my IDE can log into Code Gear. Admin IDs for each of the PCs I have my house, both servers, and clients. Voice mail for work phone, personal mobile phone. Key code lock on my front door to my house. Hmm what else, iTunes/App Store, all the various apps on the iPhone, etc etc etc yadda yadda yadda blah blah blah…

At this point I am getting confused just trying to maintain in my head which userid/password/token/smartcard combinations are used at which points; especially when you have one userid string that is used in five different locations with five different passwords. I’m ready for authentication that just takes a look at me and says… well you look a little rough because you didn’t comb your hair this morning and are still wearing your pajamas but I recognize you as joe and will let you onto the system… And since I am actually looking at you, all of the other systems will trust that I know what I am talking about and allow you in too or I can just pass on the live video feed to them if they want to validate you… At this point the only thing I tend to have in common across multiple systems is the same answers to the recovery questions… While my userid/password isn’t likely to be consistent across systems, my mother’s maiden name probably is… It reminds me of something a good friend of mine at MSFT has said multiple times in my presence when talking about Identity… SK (for short) would say something like… You know, I don’t log into my 401k (I think it was 401k, maybe it was health benefits site or maybe it was both…) very much so I always forget my password and so then I always use the self password reset system for the web site which asks me questions[3]… Those questions might as well be my password.

Federation and Info Card is getting bigger and bigger but even if it took all my web based auth and put it into a single auth system I would still have too much to recall and deal with.

Anyway, no answers here for this issue… just venting.  Oh and I would like to see an end to the sub-zero degree Fahrenheit wind chill temperatures as well while I am at it. 🙂




[1] I.E. What is/was your favorite this or that or what was the date of this or that event. For example, I have never had a honeymoon but one of the questions was, when was the date for that? Now I would put none, but a year or two from now that could have a different answer and if I needed to recover I would have to recall when I filled out the recovery info… I am in the recovery console because I can’t even recall a password I use every day… I also hate when companies use things like favorite food or favorite movie or even favorite teacher, who says those things won’t change?

[2] Seriously… WTF. No more, no less than six numbers…

[3] Those questions are probably less secure than the password that isn’t being remembered…

Rating 3.00 out of 5

Special Folder GUIDs

by @ 7:35 pm. Filed under tech

Wow, I got quite a few emails on the Special Folder GUIDs posts… Thanks to all who sent me the link… Keep it up!

Here are the link everyone was sending me

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