Information about joeware mixed with wild and crazy opinions...
If you spend your time living your life, you don’t have time to waste talking about others’ lives.
You may have read my other post on using the SID/GUID alternate formats for DNs for queries and my post last year on using alternate DN formats for binding and searching as well… Here is something else I recently learned that I thought was interesting.
There are actually more alternate DN formats…
All of these formats can be used for the bind string…
Dmitri posted them to AD Org as such
So yes… You can even use displayname as the bind DN string but man I would recommend being careful there because there is NOTHING implementing uniqueness and obviously if AD can’t uniquely identify the bind DN it won’t let you authenticate with it.
About a year ago I wrote a popular blog post about DN formats available in Active Directory. The article is here –> Great article if I can believe the feedback because it helps people set up their environment and apps in a more generic way that avoids some of the pitfalls of hardcoding DNs which is an evil UNIXy kind of thing to do… <eg>
In that article I talk about how you can use the various DN formats available in Active Directory for the bind string (obviously for Binding) and for the search base (just as obviously for searching). What I had no idea about that I recently learned after a discussion with a user who emailed me and another discussion with a friend of mine at MSFT is that the special SID/GUID methods of specifying a DN can also be used in the LDAP query filters (need I say also obviously for searching)…
You may be thinking… ah yeah… so? Big deal? How about posting some more pictures of your house and what you have gotten done in the last year or so ya git???
Well it can be a big deal for some folks… Think of the following scenario… You have some application or device that needs to locate people based on some group membership or possibly the manager or some other DN based field (specifically attribute syntaxes,, and but the first part of the query is pretty much hardcoded … For example… They tell you the query is
so you have to specify a group DN like cn=somegroup,cn=users,dc=test,dc=local and then think, crap, I can never change that group DN now without fixing this hardcoded piece… Or worse, you are specifying a DN for a user… Or even worse, later on down the road your predecessor changes it and all hell breaks loose and they haven’t the foggiest clue how to fix it and tell everyone the previous admin was an idiot… or maybe the idio… err person you replaced did it and you change it and bam you break! That sucks… Seriously.
So how can you get around that… By specifying the group (or person or whatever) by its GUID… You could also do it by its SID, but if you specify by GUID, you can even move the group/user to another domain without keeping sIDHistory and you will be good…
So instead of
or would instead specify
Or maybe your app is looking for everyone under a certain manager…
So for a full blown example with all of the DN coolness in Active Directory used…
So you have to bind with some user X to search some ou Y for all users with manager Z and the application has been kind enough to make it so you only enter the bind DN, the bind password, the search Base DN, and the manager’s DN and it does the rest… This would normally look like
So then you have multiple ways this can break and require reconfiguration, some of which include…
So how could you configure this…
Now not a single one of the events above or others of a similar vein can break that configuration.
The things that could break you… someone deleting one or more of the IDs or the OU and then recreating with the same name.
[1] Ok more realistically and what I have seen more than once is if the developers don’t let you modify the entire query it is unfortunately likely that the query looks like (&(objectclass=user)(memberof=%GROUPDN%)) though now with Windows Server 2008 objectclass is indexed so it doesn’t matter.
[2] This would be after the economy gets better and companies realize they may not have been as nice as they could have been with the people who produce, ship, or sell their goods.
I received an email a couple of months ago from someone looking to remove SIDs from a specific domain from the sIDHistory attribute of all of their users. Here is the response I sent
So the ability to remove SID’s from sIDHistory is very simple and basic, you basically have to supply the specific SIDs you want removed. The -sc csh shortcut in AdMod relies on the SIDs to be cleared being passed to it from AdFind. So all you need to do is to filter the output from AdFind to the specific SIDs you want cleared versus all SIDs. You do that with the -mvfilter switch… You would specify the domain portion of the SID of the domain that you want to clean the SIDs out for… So say you have a user with a SID of S-1-5-21-1757981266-299502267-1801674531-19235, the domain portion of that SID is S-1-5-21-1757981266-299502267-1801674531. So to filter and just output objects with that SID you will want to add -mvfilter sidhistory=S-1-5-21-1757981266-299502267-1801674531 combined with -recmute to filter out objects that had a sIDHistory value but not from that domain.
You send that info across to AdMod with -adcsv and specify -sc csh and you should be good. I would recommend just running the AdFind command initially to output the objects and the SIDs so you can validate the info prior to clearing it.
Note that clearing the values from sIDHistory is basically one way… Once cleared, the only way to get it back is auth restore of the objects. So be sure you want to clear them. There is no way to arbitrarily stick values in that attribute.
So the whole adfind command for users would look something like
adfind -b search_base -f "&(objectcategory=person)(sidhistory=*)" sidhistory -adcsv -mvfilter sidhistory=domainSID
then combined with AdMod
adfind -b search_base -f "&(objectcategory=person)(sidhistory=*)" sidhistory -adcsv -mvfilter sidhistory=domainSID | admod -sc csh -unsafe
At least it appears so…
On a conference call today my manager John Tanner was explaining who I was and said I had “Ridiculously Deep AD knowledge”…
I couldn’t help it, I had to LOL when I heard it as I have never heard that said before.
A folder that is created under the root of the system drive is missing entries in its security descriptor, which may cause some application failures on the English version of Windows 7 Release Candidate 32-bit Ultimate
In the English version of Windows 7 Release Candidate (build 7100) 32-bit Ultimate, the folder that is created as the root folder of the system drive (%SystemDrive%) is missing entries in its security descriptor. One effect of this problem is that standard users such as non-administrators cannot perform all operations to subfolders that are created directly under the root. Therefore, applications that reference folders under the root may not install successfully or may not uninstall successfully. Additionally, operations or applications that reference these folders may fail.
For example, if a folder is created under the root of the system drive from an elevated command prompt, this folder will not correctly inherit permissions from the root of the drive. Therefore, some specific operations, such as deleting the folder, will fail when they are performed from a non-elevated command prompt. Additionally, the following error message appears when the operation fails:Access is denied.
Furthermore, the missing security descriptor entries protect non-admin file operations directly under the root.
Man, That C Is Sharp
For the majority of my fifteen year career at Microsoft, I’ve been a systems and drivers developer. My language of choice and necessity has been a fairly bare bones C++. I rarely get to use runtimes like MFC and the Microsoft .NET Framework. Until recently, I couldn’t have even spelled STL much less made use of it.
That’s my day job. But in my off time I love playing around with C#. Mostly I write little apps for my Windows Mobile devices and occasionally for my PC. C++ doesn’t treat me as badly as it does many native developers, but I still I get a little giddy when I write in C#. You can get a lot done with very few lines of code. I swear, C# is so much fun they should make it a controlled substance.
In the fun category, XNA Game Studio is like C# on steroids. The team over there has done an amazing job of making game development easy. The framework is straightforward, the hard stuff is largely handled for you, and they’ve released a ton of samples aimed at teaching you the various aspects of game development.
Start at From there you can download the free XNA Game Studio 3.0. If you already use one of the various incarnations of Visual Studio 2008, XNA Game Studio will integrate with it. If you don’t have Visual Studio 2008, don’t fret. XNA Game Studio also works with the free Visual C# Express Edition. (In other words, although I mention Visual Studio, you can substitute Visual C# Express Edition if that’s what you’re using.)
The Web site is also full of great information to get you going. Click the Education link at the top of the page to find beginner’s guides, samples, and how-to’s. The “Beginner’s Guide to 2D Games” is especially good, as is the documentation that gets installed with XNA Game Studio. In some cases, the installation documentation has information that’s not on the Web. In Visual studio, you can get to that documentation by selecting Help | Contents and setting the filter to XNA Game Studio 3.0.
XNA Game Studio lets you write one code base and deploy it to Xbox, PC, and Zune. Everything I do here will work on all three platforms. The free downloads are all you need to develop for PC or Zune, but Xbox development requires a Premium membership that costs a yearly fee.
[joeware – never stop exploring… :) is proudly powered by WordPress.]