joeware - never stop exploring... :)

Information about joeware mixed with wild and crazy opinions...

Let the writing commence…

by @ 10:38 am on 6/15/2005. Filed under tech

So I don’t let myself go lax on updating this blog, I am forcing myself to step out here and say something occasionally, even if the audience for the message could be extremely limited.

I finally have the contract from O’Reilly for Active Directory Third Edition and while there was a little confusion around the timeline, that is all worked out now. I have actually cracked the seal on the DOC files and have started working. I started out by updating current content and making notes of things to make sure I talk about. I figure it will start slow at first but once I get in the groove, my output should slowly increase. I doubt it will ever hit my output on the ActiveDir Org list or the newsgroups because I am extremely comfortable writing in such informal settings. The “professional” nature of the book has me writing and rewriting segments so as not to offend or offer up info in a manner other than as intended. For instance, I want to avoid offering opinion but having it come off as researched fact, etc.

I know there are some out there that will say, but wait, we like your writing because of your opinions and attacks and thoughts. I understand, however, this book is a refresh, it isn’t joe from the ground up. When I write something from the ground up, be sure it will be with my full opinion and thoughts firmly in place and on display. Regardless, I intend to do a good job and put out some good info, hopefully a lot of info people didn’t already generally know.


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2 Responses to “Let the writing commence…”

  1. That’s awesome, Joe. I can’t imagine a better talent to work on the refresh of an already good book, and can hardly wait to see the finished product.

  2. Steve says:

    I would think a great way to add value is to go back over the topics you’ve helped explain on the activdir mailing list and make sure the book covers those…


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