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FindExpAcc Updated…

by @ 1:19 am on 6/19/2005. Filed under updates

I added a couple of features to FindExpAcc to help folks out using it in scripts to send messages to people about upcoming expirations…

The first change is a new column in the CSV output called expireDays. This field is the number of days until expiration. If it has a negative value, it means the account is already expired and that is how many days it has been expired for. If it is positive, that is how many days before expiration.

The second change is a new switch called -skipforced which excludes output of accounts that were forced expired by administrative action.

This should give people everything that they need to script the sending of emails to the people to be impacted without having to calculate out the days until expiration.

Rating 3.50 out of 5

2 Responses to “FindExpAcc Updated…”

  1. wira says:

    my boss expects more reliable account expiration data

  2. joe says:


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