joeware - never stop exploring... :)

Information about joeware mixed with wild and crazy opinions...


by @ 12:05 am on 4/10/2006. Filed under general

Who needs sleep?

Personally I think I do but getting my body to cooperate at times can be a bit of a trick. I don’t tend to need a lot of sleep, never really have. 4-6 hours usually seems to be enough with some catch up times occasionally where I go into an 8-10 hour coma and then sort of drift in and out for 2-4 hours afterward until hunger and sheer boredom drag me out of the bed again. The trick is to sleep when you should be sleeping and that is something I can’t always get down properly.

Maybe you know the drill… You feel tired, you should be tired, you are worn out, you hit the pillow, start to maybe drift out and then bam you come wide awake. Could be you got too warm or someone woke you up with snoring or your cat is sitting on your chest looking down into your face, or some conversation pops into your head, it doesn’t matter, it happens and your mind starts racing and you are thinking about everything that you could possibly think about that has nothing to do with sleep; could be work, could be how messy computer room is, could be that you installed Vista and you are thinking my god this is slow. Could be many things.

You can sit there and pretend like you will quickly drift off to sleep and then toss and turn restlessly for hours or you can go do something else that hopefully will quell your thoughts and put you out. Maybe a nice 1AM run? Maybe try to work on a book? Maybe read one of those many books you have on the shelf waiting to be read? How about sorting pictures like you told your sister you would try to do? Possibly try to figure out why Vista is so slow on your new 64 bit laptop with 1.5GB of RAM? Write a blog entry? Read the news? Think about how you can get filthy rich and take care of everyone you care about in one fell swoop so you don’t have to worry?

I don’t have any interesting email[1] so I guess on to google news…



[1] Well there is one piece of interesting email. An MCS friend sent a description of a “problem” asking Dean and I to take a peek. It is interesting but it requires me to be more techy/geeky than I want to be right now. I am in a decidely non-techy non-geeky mood. I know I will have to be plenty techy and geeky when working later today so that will be more than enough.

Rating 3.00 out of 5

2 Responses to “Insomnia…”

  1. joe says:

    Look at me commenting at my own entry…

    Update: My cat is not happy, she came down from the bed and put her feet on the side of my chair and looked up into my eyes and blerted at me.

    Now I don’t quite know if this was a “get your ass up to bed young man” blert or a “hey is there something wrong, can I help you, do you need me to flip my tail in your face and bite your hand” blert. Either way, she looked at me purred for a second which I took to be “you will be ok” and padded off to go get a late night snack.

    In the meanwhile I found something to do, I am sitting here chatting with ~Eric in IM and it is pretty fun. We tried to get a dump from Messenger because it was eating 50% of my CPU but that didn’t work well. I just ended up crashing messenger and now it works fine. I think it got the point that I wasn’t happy with it and had friends who could help. 😉


  2. Only 50%?? Is yours on the Atkins CPU diet? Mine seems to be bulimic. It goes from 0% to 99% and then purges and goes back to 9% again.

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