joeware - never stop exploring... :)

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AdMod still in the garage…

by @ 1:16 am on 6/16/2006. Filed under updates

I have started getting some emails asking…. “Hey where the heck is the updated version of AdMod?”

Well I don’t know where it is. Well that isn’t true, it is up in another Window right now and I am taking a small break from it to write this entry. Adding my CSV/ADCSV capability is pretty serious heavy lifting mods in the code. It was not originally configured in a way to easily do this, I wasn’t planning on it originally, I was looking for a simple command line LDAP mod tool, CSV is outside of that scope. However as time goes on, you really start wanting that capability when you run into the limitations of other tools that do CSV and when you want to do fun things like set bit x on this attribute and that is it but you want to do it really efficiently when modifying large numbers of objects, not do it like dsquery|dsmod does it where you do one query to get all of the objects you want to mod and then a separate query for each and every object that is returned to get the current values so you can modify say userAccountControl.

I also have added cross domain move capability but I really need to do some serious testing with it. I have the ADCSV rename and move code written and lightly tested. I am working on the ADCSV modification routine now and hope to get that and part of the ADCSV add routines completed tonight still (heck it is only 1:15AM).

So I haven’t forgotten about it, it is just going a little slower than I hoped as I work through various issues in the current structure of the program. Anytime I know exactly what I need to do I work on it at night like I did the last few evenings. The rest of the time I dedicate to paying the bills, working on the house, working on the landscaping (just had 10 yards of top soil delivered today to fill in low spots in the lawn), and generally poking around trying to enjoy the summer. So I am smiling and thinking good thoughts about the world. 🙂

In the end,  AdMod should be quite cool when I am done with it and have even more in it that confuses some people and makes other go “rock on!”. The ADCSV functionality will rock, I am really looking forward to seeing it myself. Some other little items in there are pretty fun and should be enjoyable for folks as well.

Happy Friday to everyone and I hope the day and evening go as you plan. 


Rating 3.00 out of 5

One Response to “AdMod still in the garage…”

  1. You know 10 yards of topsoil would turn my front lawn into a veritable mountain…

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