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Go China!

by @ 11:10 pm on 7/19/2006. Filed under general

China’s ambitious space exploration plans – already encompassing the Moon – also extend to Mars, the Xinhua news agency announced today….

The fastest way to get the US moving is for some other country to start pulling out ahead in some technical field. The whole space race was that way, if it weren’t for the Russians we probably still wouldn’t have put up a satellite. It takes at least two countries for a space race… We seem to do better competing than cooperating.

Plain and simple, Americans don’t want to look up at the moon and know someone else controls it. If it looks like it might happen I expect we will start really moving our butt.





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One Response to “Go China!”

  1. Alun Jones says:

    So, what you’re saying is that we should never have a world government because there’d never be any work getting done?

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