joeware - never stop exploring... :)

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Sex at work…

by @ 11:17 pm on 7/19/2006. Filed under humour

I’m all for it. How about you?

I mean seriously, some days you really don’t want to go into the office, but if you have some nice sexual energy floating around you will probably be going into work early and staying late and working harder at keeping your job so you can keep going in right?


This entry is strictly to incite people and direct them to Fred’s (yes that Fred) blog and a hilarous entry on Porn in the workplace which I found quite entertaining.

Oh just because Fred likes to give me a hard time…. “seems to have a trysts going on”…. What is that Fred??


Rating 3.00 out of 5

2 Responses to “Sex at work…”

  1. Fred says:

    … meant tryst … my left ring finger likes to get in on the action a little too much and punched the last ‘s’ a little too eagerlyss. There it goes again… 🙂

  2. Jaydon says:

    Americans finally realize the try-before-you-buy works just as well with sex as it does with commodities. Rather than marrying and then shacking up with hot sex coming after the nuptuals, Americans are increasingly putting out before putting on the wedding rings.Women are just as likely as men to get it on before matrimony.
    I think this is just the sign of the times. I mean, we like to test things, try them out, before making a purchase. Why should sex and marriage be any different? The stigma associated with pre-marital sex is dead. Long live free love!

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