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Do you use AdMod?

by @ 10:16 pm on 9/2/2006. Filed under updates

If you are serious about using AdMod I need you… When I mean serious I mean that when you have to change something in AD you start thinking of the AdMod switches to use, not what GUI tool to open. Do you do schema changes with AdMod in your lab on the fly? That kind of serious…

I am starting to look for some Release Candidate testers for AdMod V01.07.00 which will be available to be looked at very shortly (days to a couple of weeks depending on available time). I am finally wrapping up documentation updates and putting finishing touches on it and once I have it to a point where I say that’s a wrap I want a few folks to open it up and look around and see what they think and bitch about what they don’t like. I promise to listen to every complaint but I don’t promise to change anything unless I feel like it. 🙂

Overall some of the new capability actually makes me giddy as a schoolgirl because it is so cool. There lots of things in there that I have wanted in a command line AD Modification tool since like, oh, about the time AD came out. I haven’t been so thrilled about some of my new code since OldCmp’s initial release or possibly the initial release of AdMod. I don’t care if anyone else likes it, I love what it can do. 🙂 

I already know that Paul “Warm”[1] Williams wants to play with it as does Jorge “Princess Hoor-Hay”[2] de Almeida Pinto.

The big changes in this version of AdMod are

  • CSV modifications. These are both Adds and Modify Ops. Although modify isn’t a one stop shop it does things better than I have previously seen for CSV mods.
  • Restructured help similar to, but different from AdFind. After I had AdFind’s new format out there for a while I realized it annoyed me so I will be changing it to match the AdMod layout.
  • Cross-Dom move capability
  • Several of the features in AdFind are ported into AdMod like Environment/Environment File use as well as Shortcuts, etc

When I complete the usage screens, I will post those on the blog for everyone to read. But the number of folks actually getting a copy of the EXE to play with will initially be small



[1] Paul likes his women like he likes his burgers… Warm. 😉

[2] It is quite a disturbing vision but every time I see this nickname I visualize Jorge in a pink tutu which again…. quite disturbing.

Rating 3.00 out of 5

5 Responses to “Do you use AdMod?”

  1. jorge says:

    you forgot something and some adjustments are needed to the information you provided….

    [1] lets not forget things…warm AND juicy!
    [2] where the heck did you get that vision? you talk too much with Dean. Don’t listen to everyone you talk to, especially if they are british!

  2. On a rather sad note, Paul also likes his DIT like his women… 😛

  3. Erik McCarty says:

    I’ve used ADMod a number of times, we found it a lifesaver during our migration from a Novell domain with GroupWise to a Microsoft Forest with Exchange. We have some scripts that use it to automate the process of creating our new student accounts. However, my most recent attemtpt to use it was against ADAM. The folks over at use ADAM as the heirarchical database backending their grandly designed but sometimes annoyingly implemented web portal for educational institutions. In our case, we wanted to create a lot of similar directory objects, modify properties and set securities; but ran into a number of issues where the previous version of ADMod and the ADAM instance failed to agree on how things had to be done. I would like a chance to try out the new ADMod in this environment. If you are interested send me an email. If I have any problems I can always forward you a copy of the ADAM along with the commands I’m trying.

  4. jorge says:

    sh!t… I forgot: 😉

  5. joe says:

    Erik: Please email me the issues you had and the commands you were entering. I use admod with ADAM literally daily.

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