joeware - never stop exploring... :)

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AdFind on the bench…

by @ 2:11 am on 2/8/2007. Filed under general

As mentioned previously, AdFind is on the bench being worked on. While I am here with the hood up, do you have any queries that you run on a regular basis that have a long complicated command sequence that you think would be useful to be shorted into one of the shortcut options? Let me know and I will review it and if I like it and can easily put it in, it will be in the next version of AdFind scheduled to be released this month. Where else do you get that kind of input capability AND turnaround?

To wet your whistle a little, besides the previously mentioned SID resolution changes I am working on, I have added a switch to make -mvfilter and -mvnotfilter case sensitive. I this for only one reason… The gomers on the Exchange Dev team who felt it was a good idea to differentiate between primary and secondary values with upper and lowercase prefixes in an attribute that isn’t case sensitive – i.e. proxyAddresses. With that new functionality I added a new shortcut option called -sc exchprimarysmtp which will quickly and simply retrieve the primary proxyaddress values from all Exchange enabled objects. So now to dump all primary smtp addresses (and only the primary smtp addresses) for an org, you simply type

adfind -sc exchprimarysmtp

I don’t know about you, but I think that is pretty cool. I am way too busy to be spending time working on options I don’t usually need myself (I have perl scripts that do this filtering for work stuff) for a tool I give away but when I get into troubling situations where I want to run in 10 directions at once I find it very relaxing to work on AdFind and AdMod since they are my “babies”. Adding new cool features that I know will be useful and will make it easier for me to answer questions in the future puts a smile on my face and with some of the craziness that sometimes surrounds me, that smile is worth a great deal and keeps me sane. I think a great part of the smile is simply because it is something I can control… If something is stupid it is my fault it is stupid. Not me having to deal with someone else’s stupidity.


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