joeware - never stop exploring... :)

Information about joeware mixed with wild and crazy opinions...


by @ 2:04 am on 10/22/2008. Filed under quotes

Recently I received an email from an ex-coworker. One of our other ex-coworkers had popped off to a Math Seminar/Conference thingy about neural networks and it ended up discussing nodes and hubs, interconnections, etc and the most optimal solutions. This ex-coworker who attended happened to remark that what was being described as the optimal solution reminded him of what we put together in the company we had all worked at for the AD Site Topology and Replication model.

When we designed and built that, we weren’t using advanced math or anything like that, we simply were trying to keep things simple. Anytime I walk into any customer I try to keep things simple or if they have something complex, I try to make it more simple. What you design at 11AM on a Tuesday with 3 cups of Starbucks in you will possibly have to be troubleshot at 3AM on Saturday morning after 1.5 hours of fitful sleep and maybe for some of you, 6 or 12 drinks too many at the Halloween or Christmas or Independence Day party…

So in general I will tell people…

I have always thought there is beauty, truth, and elegance in simplicity.

Or if that fails to grab their attention and get them to correct a complex design I go for…

KISS – Keep It Simple Dumb Ass… 😉

Rating 3.00 out of 5

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