joeware - never stop exploring... :)

Information about joeware mixed with wild and crazy opinions...

Archive for October 22nd, 2008

AdFind compiles successfully under Code Gear Builder 2009!!!

by @ Wednesday, October 22nd, 2008. Filed under tech

Yes! I hit a milestone in AdFind V01.38.00…. I got it to compile under Code Gear C++ Builder 2009. This was quite an accomplishment as there have been some serious changes in that compiler from Borland C++ Builder 6.0 (circa 2002) which was the last compiler that I was using for it. Mostly the issues […]

Active Directory Lag Sites

by @ Wednesday, October 22nd, 2008. Filed under tech

Over on the “Ask the Directory Services Team” blog there is a post about Lag Sites. I really disliked what was written and left a nice long comment. I am not sure if it will be posted or not and I also wanted to reach folks with my comments about lag sites that possibly don’t […]


by @ Wednesday, October 22nd, 2008. Filed under quotes

Recently I received an email from an ex-coworker. One of our other ex-coworkers had popped off to a Math Seminar/Conference thingy about neural networks and it ended up discussing nodes and hubs, interconnections, etc and the most optimal solutions. This ex-coworker who attended happened to remark that what was being described as the optimal solution […]

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