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AdFind compiles successfully under Code Gear Builder 2009!!!

by @ 2:22 am on 10/22/2008. Filed under tech

Yes! I hit a milestone in AdFind V01.38.00…. I got it to compile under Code Gear C++ Builder 2009. This was quite an accomplishment as there have been some serious changes in that compiler from Borland C++ Builder 6.0 (circa 2002) which was the last compiler that I was using for it. Mostly the issues had to do with various functions not being able to be linked in along with ambiguous references that previously were allowed and now are busted.

The executable, even in Debug mode has shrunk in size considerably. That is nice. I am hoping the performance has increased as well due to the newer compiler because in the past I saw performance gains when I upgraded from Borland C++ Builder 5 to BB6.

So anyway, now to test all of the functionality and if that pans out ok, time to start making a whole bunch of updates to it that I have collected the last year and half and then hopefully get it released before New Years Day.



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