joeware - never stop exploring... :)

Information about joeware mixed with wild and crazy opinions...

Archive for the 'tech' Category

The critical three laws…

by @ Thursday, June 22nd, 2006. Filed under tech

Do you know the ever critical three laws? Do you have dreams of producing creatures like R. Daneel Olivaw? Do you have any clue what I am talking about at all????? If so, this new SDK from Microsoft may be for you. Microsoft has entered the robot programming fray. From what I have been […]

Darn Spammers…

by @ Wednesday, June 21st, 2006. Filed under tech

They found a hole in… Today I noticed that I received a ton of spam to moderate for the blog. I thought… “How the heck are they getting in?” So I made a quick change, still the spam was flowing through unabated which really shouldn’t have been possible. So started looking at the web logs […]

The long lost story of Squeaky Lobster finally revealed…

by @ Thursday, June 15th, 2006. Filed under tech

Do you know what the Squeaky Lobster registry key is? If not, you won’t find this story as interesting as those who do but it is still an awfully funny look into coding decisions. To the developer with the cunning alias of “Andrew Goodsell”, I feel for you dude and completely understand. And actually, I […]

~Eric’s big DIT

by @ Thursday, June 15th, 2006. Filed under tech

BrettSH was heard saying “Eric is only about 5’10” and you cannot even see him when he turns sideways but is running around with one of the biggest DITs in the universe…. Where does he keep it? Does size really matter? How much of that DIT is the product of fluff and how much is hard […]

That’s a spicey meatball…

by @ Friday, June 9th, 2006. Filed under tech

~Eric wrote up a nice blog entry on a huge ADAM DIT file he created (~2 TB) and the errors that pop up when you run out of Distinguished Name Tags (DNTS). If you have even the slightest clue what I am talking about check it out at     Rating 3.00 out of […]

Triumph of the Nerds… where are they now?

by @ Friday, June 9th, 2006. Filed under tech

I just recently watched Triumph of the Nerds by Robert X. Cringely again. That is such a good show if you are into the history of the computer revolution and how we got here and it is accessible to anyone, not just gear heads. Sure there are little problems with it here and there where […]

Capturing VHS Video to MPG or WMV

by @ Friday, June 9th, 2006. Filed under tech

So what do you use to capture VHS Videos? I picked up a DVD Express and it just completely sucks. I got it to work long enough to capture two 20 minute home videos. Pretty worthless. It seems that my Media Center with Hauppage cards can capture as well but I don’t get any audio […]

A pretty decent tech target article…

by @ Thursday, June 8th, 2006. Filed under tech

Infrastructure Master: Dissecting the Active Directory architecture,289142,sid1_gci1192821,00.html?track=NL-463&ad=554811USCA&ad=554808   Rating 3.00 out of 5

ADAM SP1 Refresh

by @ Thursday, June 8th, 2006. Filed under tech

Just an FYI, there is an ADAM SP1 refresh up on but don’t get excited, it is just the MUI (multi-user interface) stuff. The original install stuff is all the same. There is a KB with it (KB902838) but it isn’t actually live yet.  I was asked about this yesterday in lunch and was […]

MSNBot Revisited

by @ Saturday, June 3rd, 2006. Filed under tech

Well I was looking at the traffic logs on June 1 and noted that MSNBot still hadn’t calmed down. I was looking at robots.txt info to figure out what to do when one of my MSFT friend’s pinged me about it (Did he have a reminder set in outlook too I wonder?). I indicated that […]

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