joeware - never stop exploring... :)

Information about joeware mixed with wild and crazy opinions...



by @ 5:18 pm. Filed under house stuff

Call me weird but I actually like Dandelions, never got why people were so “out to get them”. I think they are really pretty. Our neighborhood was just covered in them the last few weeks well except for the neighbor across the street, I think they spray something to kill them off. They actually looked weird as they were the only house in the area whose lawn was green instead of yellow… The pictures just don’t do it justice.

Some of the pics are after I mowed (didn’t want to but had to or else I wouldn’t have been able to get through the grass later) so the number of dandelions got knocked down a notch or two for a day.


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Rating 3.00 out of 5

I just don’t understand this mentality…

by @ 3:31 pm. Filed under house stuff

I spent most of today in the rain trying to pick stuff up around the back yard where I am reclaiming the “yard” from the “woods”. I am greatly hampered by piles of crap that are just randomly stacked up around back there. In the end I will likely spend hundreds of hours cleaning up after people who should have been old enough to clean up after themselves.

Why why why?? How much disrespect do you have for the world and yourself in order to do this? I think there has to be something fundamentally wrong to think to do this…


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Rating 3.00 out of 5


Good Question

by @ 11:32 pm. Filed under tech

I was talking with a good friend this evening and he asked a question which I would normally consider trivial but the way he put it made me go, oh wow, put that way, that is kind of interesting… It should work the way you would intuit it to work…

The question was, how do I make another Domain Controller a Global Catalog??? Of course everyone who uses AD is like, well just go to dssite.msc (oh ok you probably said go to Sites and Services) and drill down to the DC in question and then go down one more level to NTDS Settings and then right click and select properties and then select the Global Catalog check box…

As I went to say that I thought about it, the guy asking is very good with computers, it has been his business for as long as I have been alive so was a little slow to respond and then he said something that made me go… yeah, that is how it should be… Basically he said, I went to ADUC and looked in the Domain Controllers OU and opened the properties for the Domain Controller and expected to see something that told me it was a GC or not and I could select it to be one… I then said, oh it isn’t there but I can see why you would think it should be… because it probably should be… Why isn’t it there? Just because that info is kept in the config doesn’t mean it shouldn’t be exposed in ADUC for the domain controller properties. ADUC isn’t a raw LDAP editor, it is a tool used to manage the environment and if DCs are going to be exposed in it, it should allow you to view/manipulate the GC status from there as well. I never thought about it before because I always think of AD as an LDAP Server and then visualize the tools as LDAP tools… But ADUC shouldn’t be an LDAP tool… it is a domain/forest management tool. So why doesn’t it allow you to get the full details on a DC and set/clear the fact that a specific DC is a GC. Be a lot better than fishing around in dssite.msc

Again this guy is a very good computer guy, he is a fellow DEC PDP-11 lover like myself. Very smart. He just doesn’t work in large environments where turning on GCs or making DCs isn’t a real regular occurrence. In fact the last couple of years he spent a lot of time learning Java and making a parametric search engine for the company he works for product search tools. Today he was hooking up a UPS system to a PBX and all of the supporting equipment. Next week he could be working on their Exchange server or one of their Linux servers or their think client solution… Sort of a normal small company IT guy, not an AD specific person and I think he made a great point.

Rating 3.00 out of 5

XBOX 360

by @ 11:18 pm. Filed under general

Finally hooked the XBOX 360 up to my home theatre… My goodness did they make some improvements in the sound quality over the XBOX… Wow.  I need to finish the network drop that goes up to the home theatre setup so that I can tie into my media center and XBOX live. I am getting things done slowly but surely…

Rating 3.00 out of 5

Repatriating my yard…

by @ 11:17 pm. Filed under house stuff

I need to get some photos but I have started repatriating[1] my yard. I started mowing out around the pond where I could which hasn’t been mowed in some time. For some reason the former owners dug out some of the pond and just stacked the dirt up around the pond making it impossible to really get at it very well so I get to clean that all up. Just one more thing that makes me go “hmmm”. Also as I was mowing back there I found little garbage piles with bricks and what not… I don’t understand the dump crap anywhere you can mentality, just doesn’t make any sense.



[1] Yes, technically not the correct word but it works for me. 🙂

Rating 3.00 out of 5

This cracked me up…

by @ 9:42 am. Filed under humour


Rating 3.00 out of 5

This was a bit funny…

by @ 8:39 am. Filed under humour

I was looking for the GTA (Grand Theft Auto for you uncool people) city map in Google that I heard was out there and typed in Grand Theft in the search box and got these hits… Chrysler World Headquarters and the UAW…



Rating 3.00 out of 5


by @ 12:42 am. Filed under humour


Rating 3.00 out of 5

Sheesh… more geek stuff…

by @ 12:28 am. Filed under general

This is going to be a “joe sees more movies than usual” summer I think….


Rating 3.00 out of 5


I can’t say I ever thought this would happen…

by @ 9:32 am. Filed under general

They put Brett out in front of the world…. Oh my[1]…







Brett starts at 3:37…. He is awfully video-genic don’t you think? I just want to know why he wasn’t wearing a joeware t-shirt…


Overall, that was a great video and great idea. It shows that the MSFT Dev folks are real people which is something I learned a long time ago and a message I have been trying to spread for just as long. I would love to see this kind of thing out of more teams. There are a lot of brilliant awesome people with great personalities with hilarious stories inside of Microsoft that could be shared.




[1] Don’t get me wrong, I am proud to call Brett a friend. He put the fear of giant bumblebees into me… If you know Brett, ask him about the attack of the giant bumblebee that occurred at the Museum of Flight in Seattle a couple of years back where he nearly killed an MVP – specifically me. If he had killed me via heartattack… everyone would have just said… Ah that’s just Brett…

Rating 4.33 out of 5

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