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My tax dollars at work???

by @ 10:47 pm on 6/5/2006. Filed under rants

Thank goodness, just when I felt all of my tax dollars were not being wasted properly I hear the Senate is going into a three week debate around making a constitutional amendment that says gay marriage is against the constitution. This is being pushed as an issue by the Republicans and they already know that they won’t even get a 50% vote when they need a 2/3’s majority….

Ok, kids close your eyes and anyone who likes Republicans or thinks this country is all good might as well go away too…

Who the fuck are these morons and why do they feel this is the best way the dollars I work hard to send their pathetic moronic stupid idiotic fat out of shape non-real job old asses should be spent? I seriously wish these these pathetic homophobic Christian assholes would start taking their own lives to quicken their transition to their better world until the remaining senators and politicians said, you know what, we have enough real issues in the world so we don’t have to worry about how and “who with” people are expressing love. To the families of these pathetic examples of humans I would say, you should have done it yourself, you knew better than to let them go to Washington and waste our time and money on something so pathetic. This country has enough separation and money problems without them causing more. If they want to state their opinion on homosexual activities, let them start a blog like other people do.

You would think that the AFA and the other over the edge Christian Rebublican Blue Blood Right Wingers were afraid of catching the homosexual virus or something and are doing everything they can do to prevent it. Why are they so scared? Are they having impure thoughts when sleeping? Are they afraid their kids will grow up and want to be homosexual and make them look bad to the rest of their obtuse and morally bankrupt “only thing that is important is how things appear” friends?

According to the analysts this is to get the voters to turn out for the upcoming elections because I guess the Christian republicans in several states don’t like to come out to vote unless they get to vote about religious or none of their damn business items. It seems that the republicans are currently screwing things up so badly that the party is afraid that even many of their own constituents are thinking they are morons and stupid and avoiding them and won’t come out and vote for any more of their stupidity.

So… These homophobic folks decide to burn at least hundreds of thousands if not millions of dollars in time and documentation and who knows what else on an issue that should be no where near the government and knowing they won’t accomplish the stated goal but hoping it helps keep their pathetic asses in a job where they don’t actually have to do any work. If I had my druthers, they wouldn’t even be able to walk into the capital to discuss something so stupid so the folks can shut off the lights and A/C for that period and save us a little money.

I am still waiting for someone to explain to me exactly how it can personally hurt them when two men or two women marry each other or for that matter if two men marry one woman or vice versa. I did big ticket electronic sales for a long time and I have to say that my homosexual customers were on average some of the more affluent and considerably more intelligent customers. Sure I got my share of comments about how nice my tie was or what nice trousers I had which didn’t in any way shape nor form turn me on nor scare me. I simply said thanks and continued with the sales pitch. Note I also got nice comments from several single and married women as well as mothers hoping to set me up with their daughters, nieces, etc and I did just the same there… Said thanks and continued on.  

I don’t care if my neighbors are homosexual and I expect them not to care if I am heterosexual. I don’t plan on trying to make any laws or constitutional amendments banning their lifestyle and I rather hope they don’t have any plans on doing any of that to me. I don’t know about you all, but I find life itself difficult enough without having to worry about what my neighbors do in bed. In fact, I think I would find it quite gross to even think of most of my neighbors in bed. I seriously question anyone who DOES think about that stuff to the point where they feel they need to stop them.

IMO, large tracts of the people in this country are really screwed up. We always have to find someone here to attack. At one point it is the Japanese, at another, Blacks, at another Latinos, at another Homosexuals, and at all times various Religious or decidedly NON-Religious affiliations because they are cults[1]. What is so wrong with us as a country that we can’t sit back and say, wow, I should make myself better instead of jumping in everyone else’s business and try to make them better.

I have heard the argument of “we have to protect the morale fiber of our country for our children”. That is bullshit. You want to protect your children. Teach them well and make sure they are confident in who they are. If they are a strong person no one is going to be able to convince them of something they don’t want to believe in. Of course this means you have to give up the possibility that they just may decide to become something you don’t agree with, but that isn’t for you to say or even comment on, they are their own person. You got to have your own choices, so they should be allowed to have the same. The thing is though, a lot of these folks don’t want to make their kids strong and confident in who they are for exactly the reasons I stated, they may not have the same opinion their parents have… so they would rather make them weak and cowardly and scared so they tow the company line and do what mom and dad say. But that makes them vulnerable to being converted to a budhist or homosexual or worse, a homosexual budhist… oh my god what would buffy and biffy say at the country club OH NOOOOOO. Good thing someone can’t be converted into being a Latino or a black.

I was watching some of this on MSNBC today… One political analyst was defending the time spent on debating this pointlessly in Senate and said something so incredibly stupid it summed it all up for me for how stupid the current Republican party is and made me just turn the TV off…

We don’t want to end up like the Europeans in morale decline…
   – Republican Analyst on MSNBC 6/5/2006 (Jack Burkman)

To my European friends… Let me apologize, not all Americans are complete tools like Jack Burkman. 

I find myself again strongly debating with myself whether or not our government has any value and whether this country is worth living in.



[1] What is a cult? It is what the larger religious organization calls the smaller religious organization.

Rating 3.00 out of 5

3 Responses to “My tax dollars at work???”

  1. FrancisO says:

    Hi joe,
    We have a few places left here in Montreal. I’m sure we could use a good AD guy 🙂 Quebec welcomes you!

  2. Mom says:

    For FrancisO:

    “No No No…..I didn’t teach my children to turn tail and flee. I taught them to speak their mind and try to change what is wrong….or at a minimum at least introduce other options!!!”

    BTW, one of the great things about this country is the right to speak your mind and the possibility to change things. We may not like the way things are now, but I think a big change will be occurring soon…..have a little faith that all is not lost!

  3. Fred says:

    “I find myself again strongly debating with myself whether or not our government has any value and whether this country is worth living in.”

    Why argue with yourself? I’m sure you can find suitable repast someplace else. And have I got the very place for you, Joe: Nigeria. You’ll love it!

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