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Random questions

by @ 11:16 pm on 6/5/2006. Filed under general

If you took genetic material from the bone marrow in your rib and cloned yourself from it and changed the sex of the organism that results and then you raised it to adulthood, would it be wrong to have sex with the resulting creature?

Would that be homosexual sex? Or even masturbation?

If incest is so bad and so evil, how is it that Adam and Eve’s kids got away with it and the AFA isn’t whining about it?

Did Eve have an even number of boys and girl children? If not, how did that work out, did someone die alone or did someone lay nice and double up or was there a divorce?

How come some people can swallow the concept of someone living to be 900 or so years old though we have never come anywhere close to seeing any human with that kind of lifespan and in fact are amazed when someone hits 100 yet they can’t handle the general concept of evolution which can be actually seen right now in hard evidence on any farm that has bred for a particular trait in a plant, animal or insect.

Did Adam and Eve’s children all live to be 900 or so? If not, why not? Where did the genetic material come from that introduced the shorter lifespan? Actually since we should all be descended from Adam and Eve, we should all still have those amazing lifespans… Or was someone other than the Welsh having sex with sheeps early on? (sorry that is for a Welsh friend of mine) 😉

How big would the boat have to be hold two of every species that exists on the planet? Especially when we are killing off thousands of species a year by destroying the rain forests. According to the bible, it was supposed to be something like 400-500 feet long and about 75 feet wide and 45 feet deep or about ~3 stories tall. For square footage that is just a little larger than my yard and I don’t feel that is enough for 2 people let alone everyone and every creature that was supposed to be on the ark. I don’t think I could fit two of every insect species alone in that area.

How long would it take to realistically board two of every species onto a single boat assuming everyone sat on each other’s laps? What did they eat and drink while queued up? Who cleaned up after all of the animals? That would be quite a mess. So lets say there were 100,000 species of creatures that made it onto the boat… Where did the rest come from we have now? Did they evolve from the original 100k? How did the polar bears get there in time? They had a long way to walk.

Do I need to ask the questions about the incestous relationships that would have had to have been the result after the Ark “landed”? At least sex between first cousins is still considered incest in most areas from what I understand.

That’s enough for now. 😉





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5 Responses to “Random questions”

  1. Alun Jones says:

    Ah, but you’ve forgotten that this is one of the passages in the bible that you’re supposed to interpret as parable, rather than literal truth. Duh. 🙂

  2. Matheesha says:

    Man that post is at least 44mins early. A little later and AFA would surely get back to you.

    I assume you wrote this because the bible sometimes if not always doesn’t make sense and religion appears to many as a means of controlling the “weak”. If we assume hypothetically that a sensible religion which did answer all your questions existed, the question is would you accept it? Are you looking for such a scripture/religion? Or do you just like taking the piss?

    I figure this topic must be important to you to some extent. Otherwise you wouldn’t have posted it. A famous spiritual teacher from India known as Srila A C Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada said “fake money is proof that real money exists.” or words to that affect. The point he was making was that not all religions should be judged with the same yardstick. It is your prerogative to be intelligent in your search for truth.

    I end with the immortal words of X-Files. “The truth is out there”

  3. Fred says:

    The more cogent question is, who cares?

  4. AJM says:

    I keep looking for recipes. I’ve been all over this darn site, and I see many references to animals, insects, beasts, jokes, rocks, etc, but I have yet to figure out how to cook those darn things!

    C’mon joe, if it says recipes, how about putting some out there? Maybe some nice buffaloe cheesecake or something that goes well with dandelion wine?

    As for the question, while you’re pondering, perhaps the sound of one hand clapping repeated over and over again would help you to concentrate?

    Oh, and if fake money proves that real money exists, does the reverse hold true? Just curious. 🙂

  5. matheesha says:

    Sure! The whole point of that analogy is to show the duality isnt it? In this world you are going to come across duality all the time. But just because someone comes across fake money all the time, it doesn’t mean there is no real money. Similarly just because someone comes across many cheating/fake/watered-down religions, it doesn’t mean necessarily that they are all like that. That was the point he was trying to convey. And just as one comes across real money often it doesnt mean there wont be any fake money too. Similarly people who are exposed to many bonafide religions will come across fake/cheating religions too. At least thats how I understood it.


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