joeware - never stop exploring... :)

Information about joeware mixed with wild and crazy opinions...

Archive for June 22nd, 2006

Cool Blog Entry from Steve Patrick (spat)

by @ Thursday, June 22nd, 2006. Filed under tech

Steve is a pretty smart guy that you should generally listen to. Definitely subscribe to his blog if you haven’t. Spat wrote up a nice little entry on a “feature” in Windows Server 2003 Gold that was actually pretty dangerous that was sort of fixed in SP1. I first heard about it while sitting in […]

Changing interval that lastLogonTimeStamp gets updated…

by @ Thursday, June 22nd, 2006. Filed under tech

I get this question pretty regularly… “How do you change how often lastLogonTimeStamp gets updated because I want this updated every time a user is authenticated…” First off, no you don’t. Authentications occur a heck of a lot more often than you probably expect and not just when someone sits down and types their password in. […]

My friends at the AFA…

by @ Thursday, June 22nd, 2006. Filed under rants

…have been busy little beavers. I have like five emails since the 10th. Someone got high speed!!! We will go backwards through the interesting ones. 1. High School Valedictorian refused to bow down, has speech censored: It seems some high school validictorian wanted to make some references to a god or christ or something like […]

The critical three laws…

by @ Thursday, June 22nd, 2006. Filed under tech

Do you know the ever critical three laws? Do you have dreams of producing creatures like R. Daneel Olivaw? Do you have any clue what I am talking about at all????? If so, this new SDK from Microsoft may be for you. Microsoft has entered the robot programming fray. From what I have been […]

Star Wars Humour

by @ Thursday, June 22nd, 2006. Filed under humour

HAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA I love adult swim…     Rating 3.00 out of 5

20 yards of dirt later…

by @ Thursday, June 22nd, 2006. Filed under house stuff

So the 10 yards of dirt I had previously gotten turned into 20 yards of dirt and when it was all said and done i probably could have used yet another 20 yards. After using shovels and wheelbarrows for a couple of yards I said this isn’t going to work and ran down and rented […]

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