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My friends at the AFA…

by @ 8:27 pm on 6/22/2006. Filed under rants

…have been busy little beavers. I have like five emails since the 10th. Someone got high speed!!!

We will go backwards through the interesting ones.

1. High School Valedictorian refused to bow down, has speech censored:

It seems some high school validictorian wanted to make some references to a god or christ or something like that and the speech got censored and the girl was told that if she deviates from the speech she will get cut off. She started right into her original speech, they cut the mic dead on her. The AFA is going off how the ACLU is doing this to silence Christians and also praising free speech.

I have a couple of thoughts on this.

I. Had this girl been preaching about the advantages of being a Lesbian and how her Wiccan friends helped her make it through school and if her Muslim boyfriend hadn’t stayed late to help her with Math (Christ was too busy to stop by to show how to handle integrals) she wouldn’t have passed, the AFA would be congratulating the school and would be all ready to suppress free speech.

II. I don’t like any censorship personally. I understand why the school did it. Because this country is so stupid and lawsuit happy that someone would have been sueing the school if she had said anything like that. The school and the ACLU weren’t trying to stop christ (how could they if he is the holy son of the one and only god???), they were trying to stop some bonehead from sueing the school and burning up who knows how much money and time of the government and the school to deal with it.


2. Tolerant Governor fires intolerant Christian

This one is along the same lines. Some public official in Maryland stated on a cable talk show that homosexuals lived a life of “Sexual deviancy”. The AFA says he was fired for making his personal beliefs known and kind of implies that this had nothing to do with his job.

My thoughts on this are the similar to above. I don’t like censorship. However… What was the guy doing on the show? Was he there as a representative of himself or the government. Maybe he has a nice insect collection and they were talking about that and for some reason he decided to go on a rant about homosexuals. However I expect, I don’t know for sure, that he was there as a representative of the government and if the policy is non-discrimination, I can see being fired for speaking out against it in an official capacity. The whole thing, for me, comes down to WHY was he on that show and was he representing himself or the goverment? If he was there talking entirely about himself and it was about himself and it wasn’t work related, then I think he had the right to have and state his own opinion. I also think though if this were reversed and the person was speaking out against Christians, the AFA would be hailing this as one of the greatest things to have happened in the last year.


3. Ford pleads with dealers: “ask customers to support Ford”

This one is talking about the dropping sales numbers over the last couple of months and the AFA thinking they are the reason behind it… It also talks about diversity training at Ford that everyone is required to take and the AFAs assertion that it is used to promote the homosexual lifestyle.

Ok first off… sales numbers of the big three car manufacturers have been dropping for some time and it has nothing to do with sexual orientation. Recall last summer when they were giving everyone employee discount level deals? This reminds me of the time that the Gay Lesbian Council at Michigan State declared some Friday as the Gay Lesbian day and that if you wore jeans it meant you supported the Gay Lesbian lifestyle. Both of these assertions are assinine and stupid.

Second off, I worked at Ford for about 10 years. The diversity training is not there to promote the homosexual lifestyle. It promotes…. DIVERSITY you knuckleheads. I recall there being more of a push on treating women and african americans fairly than homosexual anything. It wasn’t trying to convince people to be women or african american or homosexuals, it was teaching people to be open minded about the differences others have and the strengths that can bring to an organization. If everyone thinks and acts exactly the same, it is quite possible for them all to miss and not prepare for some major issue and it knocks them out of the water. Plus, Ford had this issue with being an old white boy organization; they really needed to have those diversity classes. Women didn’t get very far and where ever they were they were underpaid compared to their male counterparts. That went for all minorities, if you weren’t a white christian male, things didn’t look that great for you making it to say being the CEO. Most of the country is that way actually from what I have seen. It is actually pretty sad, we are supposed to be enlightened now a days. Interestingly enough, a short while back, a bunch of the old management started getting cleared out and then lawsuits concerning ageism started popping up left and right. The old white boys weren’t happy being treated the way that everyone else had been treated to that point…


4. Environment Protection Agency (Funded by your tax dollars) Celebrates Gay and Lesbian Pride Month

This one is about the EPA office of civil rights sponsoring an event for homosexuals. The AFA pushes the idea that this is your tax dollars doing this!!!

I am pissed about several things about our tax system. The fact that the EPA office of civil rights throws a shindig for homosexuals isn’t one of them. If I got mad at that, I would have to get mad at them doing things for african americans and every other minority (none of which I notice the AFA complaining about). The first thing (not necessarily the most important thing) I am pissed about is the fact that the churches don’t have to pay taxes yet have influence on the government. That is wrong. The second and the more important thing is how much money goes into the welfare system and rewards slackers. I used to drive through Detroit every day on my way to work and I was paying somewhere in the area of $90,000 in various taxes a year and watching all of these lazy ass people who normally slept until noon out first thing in the morning to get their government checks cashed. Our welfare system needs to be drammatically changed. If I were in control of it, things would be very different and I would probably go to jail because I would be setting up things like the wheel of welfare where you spin it to see what you get, the longer you are on welfare, the higher percentage chance you get options like “You get a slap on the wrist” or “You get put to death” instead of “You get your sit on your lazy ass check”. I realize there are people who can’t work, but there are a lot more people who can work that choose not too because the government is willing to buy them what they need.



Rating 3.00 out of 5

One Response to “My friends at the AFA…”

  1. Fred says:

    How exactly do churches have influence on the government?

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